• Love the theme and testing it for a law office.
    My question is: When I click on any page in the menu the page doesn’t slide up and have to scroll down to find it.

    Every time I click on a page on the menu if just refreshes the large image and I have to scroll down to see the page. What do I need to do to change this?
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Hi, I presume you want to slide to specific section on page when you click menu item? Every section (widget) on front page have ID, find it with chrome developer tools (keyboard F12).

    For example Facts widget ID is id=”facts”, and you should set link for your menu item to be #facts and when you click on that item it will scroll to Facts widget.

    dimikjones…that’s great and what I was wondering how to do.

    However, I think boyco, is clicking a menu-item…it goes to that page and refreshes the “Welcome” area with the pages content below.

    **This was confusing to me to for some time, but in the theme’s “Customize” settings…inside the “Welcome” dropdown there will be a checkbox that reads: "Check this box if you want to disable the header image and text on all pages except the front page."

    In otherwords, only display the Welcome Area on the Front Page.

    **Second Note**
    After working with theme a bit more, I think each page should have a “Custom Field” at bottom that allows you to overwrite the “Welcome Area” with a custom image. And I have not tested if the checkbox above disables that or not.

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