• Hi there,

    I am using WP3.7.1 with the Associate child theme on the Genesis Framework.

    I have a fair amount of pages on my website categorized into a few Main Menu Areas. See the setup HERE. I used to have all the pages relating to for example “Products” on the menu as child pages of a main Products Overview Page. The url would then look something like: http://waterlogics.co.za/product-offering/bottling-plants/. I discovered today that when I click on a menu item relating to a child page, I was redirected to the parent page, although the url was correct in my address bar. It seemed as if the last part of the url was not picked up.
    I have subsequently change all pages to have no parent since I cannot have my site not redirecting visitors to the correct page. I did leave one example though, see it HERE. It is supposed to point to a individual product page, but it points to the main product overview page.
    I did not make any significant changes to my site.
    Please help?

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