• Resolved alyxleclaire


    Hi there, I’m getting this PHP error below. I’m wondering whether it is an error on my end or a bug in the plugin.

    How bad is this for the functionality and security of my Site?

    And how do I fix it?

    Error: As shown on Query Monitor Plugin:

    Warning (Suppressed)

    openssl_x509_read(): supplied parameter cannot be coerced into an X509 certificate! 1


    Plugin: wp-pgp-encrypted-emails

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  • Plugin Author Meitar


    The warning is suppressed intentionally, so you are observing expected behavior. See the code itself.

    Thread Starter alyxleclaire


    Thanks. Glad to know its working as expected.

    If you don’t mind, could you expand on what the plugin is trying to do here and what the message means?

    "openssl_x509_read(): supplied parameter cannot be coerced into an X509 certificate!"

    Plugin Author Meitar


    If you don’t mind, could you expand on what the plugin is trying to do here and what the message means?

    It is just a PHP warning emitted by the OpenSSL PHP extension itself. The warning is emitted when the extension cannot create a variable of a given PHP resource data type from the provided input. This is to be expected when there is no valid S/MIME certificate, which will always be true before the user gives the system their valid S/MIME certificate and should never be true after they take this action. In the case where no valid S/MIME certificate data for the user exists, I handle the error by returning false, not by allowing the PHP warning to be emitted by the underlying OpenSSL extension.

    In the case where a valid S/MIME certificate is supplied by the user, then the warning is not emitted (and the error control operator therefore has no effect), and the function returns the valid S/MIME certificate resource in its native PHP form.

    You should consider reading the PHP manual section on Error Control Operators and the PHP manual’s chapter on its OpenSSL extension for further details.

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