Hi Oliver,
I can confirm that it should be working like so if you use the latest version of the theme.
In case it doesn’t work for you, perhaps I could get better context if you used this field when raising this topic.
Hi Kharis,
thank you for your reply. The site is https://www.anwaltskanzlei-altmann.de. Sydney is Version 2.12 (with child theme). The submenus I‘d like to open „onClick“ to the item-text on mobile/touch are under „Kanzlei“ and „Kontakt & Service“.
It works when tapping on the dropdown-symbol in the mobile menu. But I’d also like this behavior when tapping on the item-text (I hope you understand what I mean). How do I have to configure the topmenu-items (in Admin > Design > Menus or elsewhere)? (Currently I use the first sub-page of each submenu as topmenu-item.)
Kind regards,
Hi Oliver,
Thank you for sharing the link.
If I got your query correctly, you would add this CSS code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS from dashboard.
.sydney-offcanvas-menu .menu-item-has-children .dropdown-symbol {
width: 100%;
margin-top: -50px;
position: relative;
z-index: 9999;
.sydney-offcanvas-menu .menu-item-has-children .dropdown-symbol .sydney-svg-icon {
float: right;
Hi @kharisblank,
expanding the dropdown-symbol to full-width of the menu item – what a brilliant idea!😀 And it works perfectly.
Thank you very much!