• Is there a way to run through the editing worfklow with only the final approver, in this case admin, having the ability to publish? I have the code snippet to limit publishing to a post status of “ready-to-publish”, but I want the last person in the edit workflow to be the only one capable of publishing.


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  • Thread Starter bruceleeon


    Actually, I think I figured it out. I added:

    function disable_authors_publish_cap() {
            // Get author role object
            $author = get_role( 'editor' );
            // Remove the post publishing capability
            $author->remove_cap( 'publish_posts' );
        add_action( 'init', 'disable_authors_publish_cap' );

    to my functions.php after the EXTEND functions for Edit flow. It now looks like this:

     * Hide the "Publish" button until a post is ready to be published
    function efx_hide_publish_button_until() {
        if ( ! function_exists( 'EditFlow' ) )
        if ( ! EditFlow()->custom_status->is_whitelisted_page() )
        // Show the publish button if the post has one of these statuses
        $show_publish_button_for_status = array(
                // The statuses below are WordPress' public statuses
        if ( ! in_array( get_post_status(), $show_publish_button_for_status ) ) {
                #publishing-action { display: none; }
    add_action( 'admin_head', 'efx_hide_publish_button_until' );
     * Limit custom statuses based on user role
     * @param array $custom_statuses The existing custom status objects
     * @return array $custom_statuses Our possibly modified set of custom statuses
    function efx_limit_custom_statuses_by_role( $custom_statuses ) {
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        switch( $current_user->roles[0] ) {
            // Only allow a contributor to access specific statuses from the dropdown
            case 'author':
                $permitted_statuses = array(
                // Remove the custom status if it's not whitelisted
                foreach( $custom_statuses as $key => $custom_status ) {
                    if ( !in_array( $custom_status->slug, $permitted_statuses ) )
                        unset( $custom_statuses[$key] );
        return $custom_statuses;
    add_filter( 'ef_custom_status_list', 'efx_limit_custom_statuses_by_role' );
     * Remove Publish Capabilities for Editors
        function disable_authors_publish_cap() {
            // Get author role object
            $author = get_role( 'editor' );
            // Remove the post publishing capability
            $author->remove_cap( 'publish_posts' );
        add_action( 'init', 'disable_authors_publish_cap' );

    However, is this the best way to accomplish what I am after or is there a better way?

    Plugin Author cojennin


    Looks good to me. Have you tried it out?

    *Note: I think when you remove the publish_posts capability the publish button won’t show. So you may not need all that extra code.

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