Plugin Author
Hi, if you see it twice it’s mean therea are 2 menu item in the database.
When you look in the database for this id what do you see ? most of the time when it’s page menu item, you can translate the title of the page and it’s translate the menu too in front-end
godday, inside the wp_posts table > menu_order field I have found 3 instances named “aeroporto”. According to the post_type column: the first one is nav_menu_item, second is page and the third is revision. But you can see that neither has the correspondign ID found by Falang.
But you asked for an ID search and here’s what I found: for ID687 I got a nav_menu_item in draft mode, and nothing for ID1091
What do you reckon?
Plugin Author
and a query with the ID 1091 ?
yes, the query for ID1091 gives no results. This is the result by filtering nav_menu_item
Plugin Author
i have checked the code i use to display the menu item in Falang > Translate menu
'post_type' => 'nav_menu_item',
'post_status' => array('publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'future', 'private'),
'orderby' => 'post_title',
'order' => 'ASC',
'nopaging' => true
i don’t see what’s wrong
I don’t know what to say. I have deleted revision thinking it would help, but Falang still sees 2 menus with the same name and different ID, whereas the actual page in frontend has ID164
Plugin Author
without look in the table post i don’t know why you have this but translate the id 164 or the post page related it will work
After further playing with Falang I think I have to drop it, quite sadly. It’s an ingeniuous plugin but I cannot use it on my site because many elements are created by my theme (for instance the page headers or some fixed footer elements) and those cannot be translated (unless I create a clone of the website on subdomain, but then there would be no need for Falang since I would have to translate all website manually). Thank you for you support anyway. 🙂
Plugin Author
Hi, i’m sorry it’s not fit your use , you don’t have access to header/footer translation , in most template it’s a cpt and you can translate it in Falang, You have to enabled it in Falang > Settings > Translate Options
let’s not give up, Stéphane… I have looked into the options and Falang has actually detected quite a few of my theme’s CPT. For instance there is _mytheme_header_title and _mytheme_header_subtitle which belongs to my pages’ header metabox. So I went to the page, opened the English translation box,… and it works!
Genius. I’ll experiment more with my staging site, and if it works for everything I will definitely use it… I haven’t seen any other multilanguage switcher as smart as Falang. 🙂
….in order to eliminate the duplicates I have deleted all “drafts” from my database. Resolved!