• I have a ticket open and hopefully we will find a solution but to be honest… this is pretty shitty install wizard.

    First of all, the UPS website sucks bad. The fact that you must have Edge or Chrome to get an Access Key should me mentionned on the Access Key generator page… at least i wont spend 2 hours figuring out whats going on and having to call someone at UPS to get the info.

    Second, to be able to debug we should have error codes so we can at least track what is going on.

    Once trying to setup the plugin, I am prompted by Step 1 and Step 2 (at the same time… which does not make sense, but oh well).

    Step 1 asks for credentials and access key. First step is the Account Name which should be visible on the top right corner of one of my bills… but since I am a new client i dont have any bills… not sure my account name is the correct one but oh well.

    Step 2 is the Contact info and delivery pickup info. Now here you have to make sure all data matches all data in your UPS account… I get that part, so I do several test and try different informations but never know if data is good or not.

    Once i click the bottom right button, it sends me to a new page… no info, the only thing i see is Step 1 (no more step 2) and no button on the bottom right corner.

    So, i guess i am stuck. Hopefully it will get sorted out.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by hangist.
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  • Thread Starter hangist


    Second day of troubleshooting.

    So the support seems to follow up pretty quicly but after 2 days still nothing very good.

    First of all, plugin does not work on PHP8… must go back to PHP7.4.

    Second of all, now that everything is set up, i can not get it to work by weight, and UPS does not show up to process my orders so clients cant select UPS as a method…

    Zone is good, weight is good, price is good… still not working.

    Must admit, I am willing to work to make it work as printing labels and having rates is awsome… but there is a limit of time i can give to have a plugin work correctly.

    Plugin Author UPS


    Hello @hangist ,

    we did not receive any follow up on the ticket from you. Since your last message we’ve updated the plugin to run on PHP 8 and support weight and country based flatrates.

    I’d be happy to support setting it up.

    Please open up a ticket by writing an email to upsplugins@ecommerce.help

    I’m looking forward to your response.

    Best regards
    Ruben Miller

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