Hi @mapdi,
Can you clarify what about the update caused your site to stop working? We haven’t had any reports of this occurring to anyone else, and would love to identity and fix it if it’s a problem with the plugin.
I’m not really sure what you mean by “monetizing everything”. We do have a premium version, but that is a completely separate offering. We haven’t removed anything from this free version, and continue to add new features and updates to both the free and premium versions of the plugin.
Hi @mapdi There are currently no know bugs that can break your website. Please check what actually happened, let us help and consider changing your review if you feel it’s appropriate. It really makes a big difference for a small team like us.
And yes, we need to monetize things, not unlike you receiving a salary for your hard work. income helps us grow and stay around.
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Thanks for your response. I understand the need to generate income, and I appreciate the work you do. I experienced issues that impacted my website, which led to my review. Since the issue is now resolved, I’ll gladly update my review accordingly.