OK But Need to Pay for Any Real Features
The video shows how you can customize and change a lot of things, but you really do not have many options out of the box on the free version.
That is not a real big deal since after all… it is free, but they segment out every item into a “per site” upgrade of $25.
For instance: In order to make your search look good and maybe search 2 different “knowledge base” items, you get to pay $50 for just one website. They break down the “Add-ons” into about a half dozen individual packages, so you might be paying $150 to get the items displayed in the video.
That said, it has better results for what search terms an average individual might put into the search field than many. I tried Relevanssi, and was very much disappointed.
Still… maybe a Google custom search for you website is the best way to really do intelligent search and get the most out of your site results….?
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