Notification sound
The Notification sound some times work some times won’t work. What is the reason for this?
notification also doesn’t work for me
Hello @lefteris3367
Can You please tel me how did you manage to get notifications to work, even sometimes.
I an not able to make them work. Sorry if I am bothering you but it would be great if you can share step by step what you have done to make it work.I tried to stay in Orders History page while making order in another browser. But nothing is happening. I also accepted notification in Chrome browser on Windows.
Please advise.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards
MI tried all the possible situations and discovered some things.
1. I have translated the addition into Greek.Something is wrong with that language. Sometimes the notification comes and sometimes it doesn’t. Also, in Greek language, it is too late for the e-mail to arrive in my mail box and if notification arrives, you will arrive after 5 minutes.
2. When I return to the English language, the notification works correctly and you arrive 10 seconds after the order confirmation.
3. In English language works fine, all you need to do is login to the admin panel. Only that. Even if you have minimized the browser, the notification works.Settings
RestroPress–> Settings –> General –> Order Notification
Enable Notification (cheked)
Notification sound (upload some mp3 file)
Play notification sound in loop (cheked)
Notification Length = 60I checked the translate script line by line again. There must be a problem with the code related to the notification.
Thank You so much for the explanation.
I will try to pass to english and see if everything works.Again thanks a lot.
That seems to be some strange issue what you are talking like its working after few minutes when non english language has been used. But still we are checking into it and will release an update on this.
I had to delete the translation and create it step by step trying the function every time. I think the code uses some sting characters for queries, which if translated breaks the query. The Checkout or Order History cause a problem
Than you.
Kshirod Patel for your help, when the issue appears, the sound notification is activated only after you set the order status as completed.
Finally I found the issue on translate. If you translate the string ( Cash on Delivery ) the notification sound have a problem. You have no notification until change the Order status to Completed.
Can you edit an update regarding notifications as this becomes a problem. we can miss orders.
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