• Hi,
    I’m building a website, everything was going well, but all of a sudden the backend starts messing up.

    Creating menu’s don’t play ball, the drag and drop doesn’t work. Neither does it work on editing widgets.

    Not only that, but some menu’s don’t work correctly and buttons. For example if I press the screen options button at the top right. It does nothing!

    As a result, there are parts of my site I can no longer do anything with.

    I’ve reinstalled wordpress, deactivated all plugins, repaired the database, restored a backup of the entire website. NOTHING has worked. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

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  • hi
    can you see any dashboard errors in your console?

    You developing in a local env or in a remote server?

    Thread Starter adg273


    Thanks for replying guys, seems to be a JavaScript problem. No idea what caused it. I changed nothing other than creating new pages.

    I put the following in my wp-config and now it appears to be solved.

    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );

    Any idea why this would randomly happen?

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