• Hi sewpafly,

    I love your plugin! Congrats!

    Unfortunately, I just realize that is not working with ImageMagick Engine.

    I’m using your plugin last version 1.0.7, on wp 3.3.1 with ImageMagick Engine 1.5.0.

    I know that for a lot of user is not a problem, but for those who have to crop big thumbnails and do care about qualaty, it will be limititative.

    You can see the diferencs, with and without Imagemacick: here and here.

    Do you think will be possible to fix it? (would be awesome!) or there is any similar alternative to re-crop the thumbnails you would recommend?

    Thank you!


Viewing 7 replies - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
  • Plugin Author sewpafly


    Sorry, that doesn’t really help. I’m not sure what the problem actually is (all the imagemagick code is written by wordpress). Unfortunately I don’t have imagemagick on my test systems, so I can’t test this myself, but adding this line to ‘php/functions.php’ (line 403) might help:

    add_filter('jpeg_quality', 'pte_get_jpeg_quality');
    // this is the new line
    add_filter('wp_editor_set_quality', 'pte_get_jpeg_quality');

    I’ll see if I can get imagemagick installed. Does wordpress seem to crop your other pictures correctly? How were you generating the “correct” imagemagick picture above?

    Thread Starter lc


    the correct imagemagick picture above is a custom thumbnail (using this) automatic generated every-time i upload a image on my media library, or (when I’m testing like now) through the regenerate thumbnails plugin.

    I will test your function lines and I will get back to you.

    Thread Starter lc


    i removed:
    add_filter('jpeg_quality', 'pte_get_jpeg_quality');
    I had:
    add_filter('wp_editor_set_quality', 'pte_get_jpeg_quality');
    I croped the image with your plugin:

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    20130225 16:32:53 - [string] ===== SERVER LOG =====
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    20130225 16:32:58 - [string] ===== SERVER LOG =====
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    20130225 16:32:58 - [string] [DEBUG] - pte_get_all_alternate_size_information returned: Array
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    20130225 16:32:58 - [string] [DEBUG] - Deleting old thumbnail: /home/tiagogon/public_html/cityburns.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/urbanoid_dot_cityburns-dot-com_CC-BY-NC-ND_by-lortnoc_Aug2012_kg_016744-1050x436.jpg
    20130225 16:32:58 - [string] [DEBUG] - Moving '/home/tiagogon/public_html/cityburns.com/wp-content/uploads/ptetmp/7791/urbanoid_dot_cityburns-dot-com_CC-BY-NC-ND_by-lortnoc_Aug2012_kg_016744-1050x436.jpg' to '/home/tiagogon/public_html/cityburns.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/urbanoid_dot_cityburns-dot-com_CC-BY-NC-ND_by-lortnoc_Aug2012_kg_016744-1050x436.jpg'
    20130225 16:32:58 - [string] [DEBUG] - Updating '1050x436slider' metadata: Array
        [file] => urbanoid_dot_cityburns-dot-com_CC-BY-NC-ND_by-lortnoc_Aug2012_kg_016744-1050x436.jpg
        [width] => 1050
        [height] => 436
    20130225 16:32:58 - [array] [-1,-779,true]
    20130225 16:32:58 - [array] [-1,0,false]

    it still lose considerable quality for a big image, comparative to the one by imagemagick engine plugin… :/

    would great if you could test with imagemagick engine yourself. anything i can help or test, please let me know. i would love to be able to custom crop with the same setting of IM engine (“96” on quality value).

    Plugin Author sewpafly


    Why don’t you try the latest version now? I’ve been testing it using the imagemagick engine and I haven’t been able to duplicate your problems. Let me know how it goes.

    (WordPress did not send me these latest posts by you, or I would have responded sooner, sorry)

    Thread Starter lc


    sorry, I still get on the output the same file quality then before. :/ this time there is a new edition painel and no debug button available.

    Plugin Author sewpafly


    Yeah all that debug code was getting in the way. The new interface really just uses the same backend, so I guess it isn’t surprising that its still not working for you. 🙁

    Let me see if I can recap your current situation.

    It appears that imagemagick plugin IS working for you as the color profiles are being preserved. However the image quality isn’t being affected when you change the quality value. Is this correct?

    Thread Starter lc


    correct: imagemagick engine plugin is working fine to me, when it automatically resizes the images right after upload on my library library. this is a good exemple how aswome it works. i could not be more satisfied: it preservs the color porfile and keeep the original quality, just like it the original. (in my case using 96 value on the jpeg compression of Imagemagick engine settings)

    the problem is when i tried your plugin for reposition the crop area, it stil loses significant quality even if is respecting the color profile, as i showed you here before.

    would be great if you could fixe it. I thank you a lot for your time!

Viewing 7 replies - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
  • The topic ‘Not working with "ImageMagick Engine" plugin’ is closed to new replies.