Hi, sorry for the problems. Do you have a url I could look at?
Same here. I thought I had a problem with the cache on my website but after I rolled back to the previous version, the sticky effect worked.
I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have a page I could look at? The only thing I can think of is that the transparent header option no longer overrides the elementor sticky setting.
Thank you! I have a few ideas that I can test tomorrow. Having that page to reference really helps. I will keep you updated. Other than that, I hope you enjoy all of the extra free features!
Thank you for your efforts and the extra free stuff, but I haven’t tried them yet because of this error. I hope you’ll find a way to fix it. I’ll keep that website unchanged for you.
@ynsterchiche Do you have an example page with the plugin working as intended? Or can you describe to me what should be happening? I just want to be sure. Thanks.
Nevermind, I found a solution. I found a better method to not override the Elementor sticky setting. I will update the plugin with this fix in just a little bit. Thanks for letting me know and sending a helpful link.
You’re always welcome. And thanks for your quick response.
No problem! The update with the fix is live. Please let me know if you’re still having issues.
I’ve just tested it. It’s fixed. Thanks so much.
Not working with Elementor Header & Footer Builder plugin. With 1.6.9 everything was okay. Now with 1.7.1 Elementor is stuck on loading and the header is still not transparent or sticky.
Edit: Got the background to be transparent. But it still wount stick.
Update: Found out the header does not stick when the Transparent Header is enabled. When Transparent header is disabled, the header sticks as it should.