Plugin Author
Wow that was quick. This is the first one star review I’m getting for no justified reason. You asked for support and I gave you a speedy response which I try to do with all my customers. We started an email conversation, I replied your last email and was waiting for your feedback. But before I knew it you wrote a review that there was no solution and you were blocked. In what way were you blocked? And how was there no solution? Could you explain in this review? And how could I give you a speedy response if I wasn’t interested in helping you solve your problem.
I don’t know how familiar you are with the wordpress platform but you should try to be patient. This is not the way it works. Your review contrasts with every other review I’ve had for my plugin. I work very hard to make my customers happy and writing a one star review in the middle of a conversation with a plugin author is not the way to go.