Hi @justbruno,
Looks like it could be a Javascript error, or conflict with another plugin. Can you right-click anywhere on the page with the issue and press “Inspect” (or CMD/CTRL+Shift+C), does it show any errors related to the plugin on the “Console” tab?
If that doesn’t show anything, go to the “Network” tab instead, refresh the page with the issue, and see if any of the requests have a status other than “200”.
~ Koen
Hi, thats for the super quick reply. I really appreciate it.
Here’s what I find:
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for https://site.com/wp-content/plugins/post-to-google-my-business/freemius/assets/css/admin/common.css.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
Hi @justbruno, Is there nothing else related to the plugin in there? I don’t think that error would cause the issues you are experiencing. Have you tried in another browser as well?
~ Koen
Hi @justbruno, did you manage to resolve this? Maybe the 3.1.3 update will help if not. I’ll mark this as resolved for now, but feel free to follow up and re-open the support thread.
~ Koen
Posting Stopped about 3 weeks. We have some users that use this plugin and it seems it just stopped abiout 3 weeks auto posting to GMB, are there any new settings that would cause this? Thanks!