• I have a site with about 30,000 posts and the custom taxonomy count was off. After running this plugin a few times the taxonomy count actually got worse. I had to run it a few times because it timed out.
    Not worry, though. I used the following SQL to fix the problem and it ran very quickly.

    9300 rows affected. (Query took 2.9573 seconds.)

    UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET count = (
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_term_relationships rel 
        LEFT JOIN wp_posts po ON (po.ID = rel.object_id) 
            rel.term_taxonomy_id = wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id 
            wp_term_taxonomy.taxonomy NOT IN ('link_category')
            po.post_status IN ('publish', 'future')

    Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18669256/how-to-update-wordpress-taxonomiescategories-tags-count-field-after-bulk-impo

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