Sorry to hear about the issue but that Nilambar namespace is not used by Maintenace. As far as I can find it seems to be used by a theme or the dev of that theme and it’s mentioned in this other thread as well: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/deprecated-creation-of-dynamic-property-12/
Activating Maintenace probably just enabled the logging of that warning as otherwise error logging might have been supressed by something.
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Well, I just tested it on my dev test system, with only storefront installed and woocommerce.
When activating your plugin, I get these error messages.
I don’t see how… there’s no “Nilambar” anywhere in our code 🙁
Can you post the full trace please? The text after “Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Nilambar\Welcome\Welcome::$product_name is deprecated in” … so I can see where it’s finding that?
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Sorry, it could have been the other Maintenance plugin I tried.
Either way, when I install the plugin, I first get a 500 error, happened twice now.
OK, well you can post the 500/Fatal error trace and I can check that out if it’s actually from our plugin.
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Third time around I couldn’t recreate the error. I have changed my review to relfect a better rating.
In the end, I wrote my own plugin.
Thank you for the quick responses!