• WordPress MU Domain Mapping version 0.5.4 is installed, activated and configured properly.

    First of all, the blogs need to use sub directories and not separate domains. That should be respected by the plugin, and it only brutes on about Domain mapping. That’s another matter. A plugin that requires another plugin? That’s just.. bad.

    It created the site, but failed when trying to find the domain mapping plugin. No image urls or anything have been changed. Menu links haven’t been changed. The site’s own URL is wrong.

    Log output:

    Start with creating site for [censored]
    New site created with id: 6
    Table created: wp_6_commentmeta.
    Copied data from wp_2_commentmeta to wp_6_commentmeta.
    Table created: wp_6_comments.
    Copied data from wp_2_comments to wp_6_comments.
    Table created: wp_6_links.
    Copied data from wp_2_links to wp_6_links.
    Table created: wp_6_options.
    Copied data from wp_2_options to wp_6_options.
    Table created: wp_6_postmeta.
    Copied data from wp_2_postmeta to wp_6_postmeta.
    Table created: wp_6_posts.
    Copied data from wp_2_posts to wp_6_posts.
    Table created: wp_6_term_relationships.
    Copied data from wp_2_term_relationships to wp_6_term_relationships.
    Table created: wp_6_term_taxonomy.
    Copied data from wp_2_term_taxonomy to wp_6_term_taxonomy.
    Table created: wp_6_terms.
    Copied data from wp_2_terms to wp_6_terms.
    Added user 1 as administrator to site 6.
    Updated the options table with cloned data
    Domainmapping failed because the domainmap plugin is not activated!

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