• Hi there,

    Link URL:


    (This is just a test/mock car. I’m trying to get the plugin to work properly, then I will put actual inventory into it).

    I installed C.D. and at first, whenever I would go to the page, nothing would show. It would either just be a blank page, or a 404 error.

    Then, I changed the permalinks to custom: /%postname%/%post_id%

    I put that at the end. After I did that, I was able to actually see what I had posted. However, it was appearing on the left side of the bottom bar of my page.

    I was trying to get it to display in the middle/center of the body. How do I get this done?



    I cannot click the tabs. I have filled in different options for this test car, but each time that I click a tab, nothing comes up. The tab doesn’t change. Also, if I switch to a different browser, sometimes, I’m not able to click the tab.

    How do I go about correcting this?



Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • This is most definitely a theme issue. What you need to do is copy your single.php theme file and rename it single-cars_for_sale.php

    You’ll need to copy the Car Demon loop into your theme file. I can help you with this but I’ll need you to post your single.php.

    Double post

    Thread Starter lolswipe



    Thank you for responding as this is an important issue for me…

    I’m going into my WP right now and will post the single.php

    (WordPress isn’t my main platform, so it might take me a few minutes, hehe)

    Thread Starter lolswipe


    Okay, this is my single.php

    <?php get_header();
    $sidebar_position = tfuse_sidebar_position();
    tfuse_shortcode_content('top'); ?>
    <div <?php tfuse_class('middle'); ?>>
        <div class="container clearfix">
            <?php tfuse_category_ads(); tfuse_hook(); ?>
            <div class="content">
                <?php while ( have_posts() ) :
                    get_template_part( 'content', 'single' );
                    if ( tfuse_page_options('enable_comments',tfuse_options('enable_posts_comments',true) ) ) tfuse_comments(); ?>
                <?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
            </div><!--/ content -->
            <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'left' || $sidebar_position == 'right') : ?>
                <div class="sidebar">
                    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
                </div><!--/ .sidebar -->
            <?php endif; ?>
        </div><!--/ .container  -->
    </div><!--/ middle -->
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom1'); ?>
    <?php tfuse_header_content('content'); ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom'); ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom2'); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter lolswipe


    And also, do I still copy my single.php theme file and rename it single-cars_for_sale.php ?


    Ok, you need to duplicate your single.php in your theme folder and name one copy single-cars_for_sale.php

    Essentially what we are doing is using your website’s theme and telling it where to display the car demon inventory.

    So in your newly created single-cars_for_sale.php try this code. Full copy and paste. Now this may not work… so if it doesn’t post back and I’ll look at what it did and we can go from there.

    <?php get_header();
    $sidebar_position = tfuse_sidebar_position();
    tfuse_shortcode_content('top'); ?>
    <div <?php tfuse_class('middle'); ?>>
        <div class="container clearfix">
            <?php tfuse_category_ads(); tfuse_hook(); ?>
            <div class="content">
     * The Template for displaying all single cars.
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage CarDemon
     * @since CarDemon 1.0
    $car_demon_pluginpath = CAR_DEMON_PATH;
    if (isset($_SESSION['car_demon_options']['use_vehicle_css'])) {
    	if ($_SESSION['car_demon_options']['use_vehicle_css'] != 'No') {
    		wp_enqueue_style('car-demon-vin-query-css', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/vin-query/css/car-demon-vin-query.css');
    		wp_enqueue_style('car-demon-single-car-css', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/theme-files/css/car-demon-single-car.css');
    } else {
    	wp_enqueue_style('car-demon-vin-query-css', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/vin-query/css/car-demon-vin-query.css');
    	wp_enqueue_style('car-demon-single-car-css', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/theme-files/css/car-demon-single-car.css');
    wp_register_script('car-demon-single-car-js', WP_CONTENT_URL . '/plugins/car-demon/theme-files/js/car-demon-single-cars.js');
    wp_localize_script('car-demon-single-car-js', 'cdSingleCarParams', array(
    	'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
    	'car_demon_path' => CAR_DEMON_PATH,
    	'site_url' => get_bloginfo('wpurl')
    echo car_demon_photo_lightbox();
    do_action( 'car_demon_before_main_content' );
    	if ( have_posts() ) while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    		$post_id = get_the_ID();
    		$vehicle_vin = rwh(strip_tags(get_post_meta($post_id, "_vin_value", true)),0);
    		$car_title = get_car_title_slug($post_id);
    		$car_head_title = get_car_title($post_id);
    		$car_url = get_permalink($post_id);
    		$vehicle_location = rwh(strip_tags(get_the_term_list( $post_id, 'vehicle_location', '','', '', '' )),0);
    		$vehicle_details = car_demon_get_car($post_id);
    		//=========================Contact Info===========================
    		$car_contact = get_car_contact($post_id);
    		$contact_trade_url = $car_contact['trade_url'];
    		$contact_finance_url = $car_contact['finance_url'];
    		$detail_output = '<div class="car_title_div"><h3 class="car_title">'.$car_head_title.'</h3>';
    		$detail_output .= '<ul>';
    			$detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Condition:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['condition'].'</li>';
    			$detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Mileage:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['mileage'].'</li>';
    			$detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Stock#:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['stock_number'].'</li>';
    			$detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('VIN#:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['vin'].'</li>';
    			$detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Color:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['exterior_color'].'/'.$vehicle_details['interior_color'].'</li>';
    			$detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Transmission:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['decoded_transmission_long'].'</li>';
    			$detail_output .= '<li><strong>'.__('Engine:', 'car-demon').'</strong> '.$vehicle_details['decoded_engine_type'].'</li>';
    			$detail_output .= get_vehicle_price($post_id);
    		$detail_output .= '</ul></div>';
    		echo car_demon_email_a_friend($post_id, $vehicle_details['stock_number']);
    		<div id="imgbox"></div>
    		<div id="demon-post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" class="car_content">
    			<div class="start_car">&nbsp;</div>
    			<div class="car_buttons_div">
    			<?php if (!empty($contact_finance_url)) {
    					if ($car_contact['finance_popup'] == 'Yes') {
    					<div class="featured-button">
    						<p><a onclick="window.open('<?php echo $contact_finance_url .'?stock_num='.$vehicle_details['stock_num']; ?>&sales_code=<?php echo $car_contact['sales_code']; ?>','finwin','width=<?php echo $car_contact['finance_width']; ?>, height=<?php echo $car_contact['finance_height']; ?>, menubar=0, resizable=0')"><?php _e('GET FINANCED', 'car-demon'); ?></a></p>
    					else {
    					<div class="featured-button">
    						<p><a href="<?php echo $contact_finance_url .'?stock_num='.$vehicle_details['stock_num']; ?>&sales_code=<?php echo $car_contact['sales_code']; ?>"><?php _e('GET FINANCED', 'car-demon'); ?></a></p>
    				if (!empty($contact_trade_url)) {
    					<div class="featured-button">
    						<p><a <?php echo 'href="'.$contact_trade_url .'?stock_num='.$vehicle_details['stock_num']; ?>&sales_code=<?php echo $car_contact['sales_code']; ?>"><?php _e('TRADE-IN QUOTE', 'car-demon'); ?></a></p>
    				<div class="email_a_friend">
    					<a href="http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u=<?php echo $car_url; ?>&t=<?php echo $car_head_title; ?>" target="fb_win">
    						<img title="<?php _e('Share on Facebook', 'car-demon'); ?>" src="<?php echo $car_demon_pluginpath; ?>theme-files/images/social_fb.png" />
    					<a target="tweet_win" href="http://twitter.com/share?text=Check out this <?php echo $car_head_title; ?>" title="<?php _e('Click to share this on Twitter', 'car-demon'); ?>">
    						<img title="<?php _e('Share on Twitter', 'car-demon'); ?>" src="<?php echo $car_demon_pluginpath; ?>theme-files/images/social_twitter.png" />
    					<img onclick="email_friend();" title="<?php _e('Email to a Friend', 'car-demon'); ?>" src="<?php echo $car_demon_pluginpath; ?>theme-files/images/social_email.png" />
    			<div class="car-demon-entry-content">
    				<?php echo car_photos($post_id, $detail_output, $vehicle_condition); ?>
    				<?php echo car_demon_display_similar_cars($vehicle_details['decoded_body_style'], $post_id); ?>
    				<?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<div class="page-link">' . __( 'Pages:', 'car-demon' ), 'after' => '</div>' ) ); ?>
    			</div><!-- .car-demon-entry-content -->
    			<?php echo car_demon_vehicle_detail_tabs($post_id); ?>
    		</div><!-- #post-## -->
    		<?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
    do_action( 'car_demon_after_main_content' );
    do_action( 'car_demon_vehicle_sidebar' ); ?>
    </div><!--/ content -->
            <?php if ($sidebar_position == 'left' || $sidebar_position == 'right') : ?>
                <div class="sidebar">
                    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
                </div><!--/ .sidebar -->
            <?php endif; ?>
        </div><!--/ .container  -->
    </div><!--/ middle -->
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom1'); ?>
    <?php tfuse_header_content('content'); ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom'); ?>
    <?php tfuse_shortcode_content('bottom2'); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter lolswipe


    Ok, I did a full C/P and duplicated everything that you asked…

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function car_demon_get_car() in /home4/voilacar/public_html/wp-content/themes/autotrader-parent/single-cars_for_sale.php on line 46

    EDIT: Actually, something I realized. Was I supposed to ADD this code to the new file that I already wrote? Or was I supposed to overwrite everything in the newly created file with this code?

    Plugin Author theverylastperson


    Hi Lolswipe,

    Are you using the latest version of Car Demon – 1.2.9
    It was just released yesterday.

    car_demon_get_car() is a function that was added to the most recent version. The error would indicate that you’re either using an older version or it has become deactivated.


    Thread Starter lolswipe



    Yes, thank you. I did not notice the update.

    I updated the plugin, and now the car shows up on my page! Thank you!

    I created a new mock car for everything.


    As you can see,

    I can’t click on the tabs to access the information about safety/entertainment/etc.

    Also, everytime that I click on an image for the car, the menu gets a little “off” (you will see what I mean). Is there a way to correct this?

    Thank you

    Plugin Author theverylastperson


    What theme is that?
    Is it publicly available?

    I looked at it and the tabs aren’t popping an error, so it’s a little hard to diagnose.

    Any other PlugIns installed?

    You might go into the Car Demon settings and turn off the tabs. You can still list options, they show up under the description. In a lot of cases, where people aren’t filling in a huge ton of options, it can actually look better than the tabs.


    Thread Starter lolswipe


    Hi there Jay and BluePrintAds,

    it is called AutoTrader by Themefuse.

    It was one that I bought for the functions it advertises on the site. However, most of them were “bunk” as they wouldn’t work the way that I needed them too (on top of that, the support team was not able to address my concerns about certain things).

    Maybe you guys can help me make a decision about this…

    I plan on utilizing car demon for the car listing/inventory part of the site. Would it be easier for me to just create a “stripped down” theme of the site and then use car demon? Or would it be easier to deal with what I have and figure out why CD isn’t working.

    I think that the theme I have has alot of options that are contradicting what Car Demon does naturally, so that’s why it comes out weird. I created a different website (using a blank, basic template) and CD works fine.

    However, I need the specific header/footer/visual aspects of the site that I’ve already created, then I need to add CD to it.

    Could you guys advise me on the best way to proceed from here?


    Plugin Author theverylastperson


    That’s what I thought it was, I just wanted confirmation to make sure. Their demo is really nice looking and I can see the appeal.

    Well, this is tough call. It’s a nice looking theme and you could debug the whole thing, even turn off the CSS for Car Demon and style everything to match (would’t be super hard to style the listings and forms like their demo), but in the long run I think you’ll be unsatisfied. Simply because you’ll be stuck with two automotive tools in the backend.

    This might be a case where hiring commercial support would be the fastest and most complete way to integrate Car Demon with this theme. BluePrintAds might be able to do this. You could also try posting an ad on jobs.wordpress.org

    Most of the time, when I’m building a new theme, I start with Underscores;

    It’s such a great starter theme.

    Of course, there’s the option of buying a commercial theme built for Car Demon. This isn’t the appropriate place for us to “sell you” on buying a theme, I just want you to know the option is available. I have seen some very amazing Car Demon sites done with free themes, so I don’t want anyone to get the impression that buying a commercial theme is the only route.

    I hope some of this helps and doesn’t further confuse.

    Thread Starter lolswipe


    Hi Jay,

    Actually, I was planning on Donating anyway beacuse I like what you guys have.

    I just specifically need to use my design/elements that are already on my site. I contacted the support team for Themefuse, but they are…not helpful. They believe that their product is 100% the best, and even more so, they aren’t willing to help because I need to a 3rd party plugin to work (your Car Demon).

    So yes…

    If you or BluePrintAds would at least be able to help me out with that, then I’m sure that would make my client happy.

    [Moderator note: Please stop posting your email address]

    Hey lolswipe, sorry I forgot to check the notify button on this thread. Catch me up here. What in that car demo are you trying to fix? What are you wanting where?

    Now that it is in the template correctly I imagine we can do a lot with CSS to make it appear how you want.

    Thread Starter lolswipe


    Hi there,

    i’m actually in the process of creating a completely new/re-designed theme. autotrader (the current theme installed) has too much of what i dont want, so i’m making it simple.

    it’ll be fully designed in a day or two, but i do have some questions:

    1) how do i change the font size for the text displayed?

    2) how do i change the color of the submit/search button?

    i will let you know if theres anything else, but those are the main two things.

    thank you

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