• iDeal, for me the most important component of the plugin, does not work. It sends API requests to Stripe by the dozen per hour, but not when my customers need one. And if it does, it changes so fast the order bounces as failed in my system. On the other side it does not trigger email notifications for me as website owner, so how can I trust it sends email to customers? I lost a lot of money using this plugin, but since there is no better option for me, I had to switch off iDeal in the hope they fix it, I send numerous error logs, but so far they cannot solve it. I get different error messages every time, Some are mentioned here as wel, and if I do get any at all!! Because sometimes I do not even get one, and most payments don’t even make it to the Stripe Dashboard.

    It is like Russian Roulette, sometimes it works, most times it does not. Other payments options seem work good, only iDeal does not work. Most of my cleintes pay per iDeal so I am in trouble.

    When I try the Stripe checkout it does not even show on the checkout page, so something is wrong when it comes to iDeal on every action of this plugin.

    I have tried their other plugin, and tried iDeal through Paypal and it is the same story, the payment for iDeal does not show for customers, and those instructions don’t even resemble by far how the dashboard looks, and fields for webhooks and buttons are missing, and again iDeal is not working.

    I use Classispress and Classis Woocommerce. But that should not matter since they claim compatibility. It is pure a problem in de plugin with the Api requests.

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