• There is a problem with the popular NoScript Browser Plugin v

    It is blocking the use of WordPress’s Press This Feature

    It seems that the Author of NoScript added Bookmarklet code in the latest release which stops the launching of the Press This Popup window.

    After looking through the options of NoScript I have not found a solution.

    Enabling Script on the website that you are copying content from does not work..

    Enabling the option – General – Allow sites opened through a Bookmarks DOES NOT FIX IT…

    I tested this by first disabling and then removing NoScript

    I then had to do a Reinstall after removal
    The Reinstall did not cure the problem

    If you know of a solution please share it
    If you are having the same problem Please visit NoScript’s Form

    I have started a topic on their form


    If you understand how Press This works and can offer help to NoScript or know a work around other than using another browser or removing NoScript please share.


    Not everyone uses this feature but for people that do it is very important

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