• For just a single image it always creates this problem

    Error: The element noscript must not appear as a descendant of the noscript element.
    From line 26, column 26060; to line 26, column 26069
    t="136" /><noscript><img c

    This image is used 4 times on the page and this nested noscript appears all 4 times.

    <noscript><img class=”lazy lazy-hidden alignnone wp-image-674″ src=”” data-lazy-type=”image” data-lazy-src=”/1.jpg” alt=”1″ width=”200″ height=”136″ /><noscript><img class=”alignnone wp-image-16784″ src=”/1.jpg” alt=”1″ width=”200″ height=”136″ /></noscript></noscript>

    It happens for anything that appears twice on a page.


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