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  • Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    Thanks for the help, I’ll get this released this week.

    Thread Starter Jonathan How


    That will be fantastic Scott – just had a weekend of website misery before I realised what the problem was!

    Thanks for all that you do.

    Thread Starter Jonathan How


    Any news on this Scott? I’d really like to move to PHP 8.0 asap!

    Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    I’ve got a release going for Pods GF but it’s not finished yet. I still have a few more things to fix that have been requested by others. I anticipate having this ready by the end of this weekend.

    Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    Pods 3.1.5 will go out tomorrow if all goes well and Pods GF 1.5.0 is not far behind it. I’m trying to catch anything else that I can in this release before it goes out as I know there are a number of people anxious to get fixes for their issues as well.

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