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  • Plugin Author Justin Parr


    Hello, did you activate the plugin?

    Go to the “Plugins” menu. Under “JP User Registration Blacklist”, It will say “Activate”. Click “Activate”. If it says “Deactivate”, then it’s already activated. If you get an error, please send me the details of the error.

    Thanks in advance,


    Plugin Author Justin Parr


    No response – I’m going to mark this as resolved, but please let me know if you continue to have an issue with this plugin.

    Thanks in advance,


    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    Hi Justin
    I think the problem about “mathematic calcul has no showed” is due at the incompatibility with buddypress.
    Do you know if there are other wordpress pages using “JP User Registration Blacklist” in webs with BuddyPress?
    About the other function, (“IP USERS”),I tell you the following:
    I thought your plugin goes to create a page in administration section, where administrator can see for each user the IP.
    But I don’t have seen that. I have understood that your plugin sends mail at the administrator with IP.
    I have had a test. A user has done a comment in my web and I have received a mail with IP. So, this function run well. But I tell you the following:

    My web isn’t a “normal wordpres”. It is a wordpress with buddypress. It’s a social network with 10.000 users. There are a lot of comments.
    If for each comment your plugin send a mail, I will receive a lot of mail…

    I have understand that wordpress is an instable system when must send a lot of mails
    Do you understand where is the problem?
    Can you tell me your opinion?

    Let me know.

    Plugin Author Justin Parr


    Im not familiar with buddypress – someone else asked about this as well, but I think because of the social networking integration, some of the native wordpress user registration features are disabled. I’m not exactly sure of this.

    My plugin works ONLY on the WordPress-provided user registration hooks.

    Once active, any user who registers will have their IP address stored in the “website” field.

    Go to “Users”, click the user (as if you were going to edit the user), then scroll down to website. The IP address from which they registered will be listed as

    ( is a generic example of the IP address)

    You can then block just that user by adding to the Discussion Comments Blacklist (under settings), or the whole subnet by adding 1.2.3.

    Please let me know if this helps.

    Thanks in advance,


    Thread Starter giuseppecuttone


    I Justin.
    I have done a tests with your plugin.
    Buddypress use another “register form”. So this is the reason about the incompatibility.
    I don’t know why, but I received a mail with USER IP, so I thought the your plugin sends mail. But I have seen that it is not so…
    I don’t know the origen of this mail…

    Your plugin provide IP in the “website field”, and this funcion run well in my web even if I have buddypress.
    So I continue using your plugin in order to have IP’s, but I look for other plugin in order to add “mathematic calcul”.
    It’s all.
    Thank’s for your support.
    If you want you can mark this tiket as resolved.

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