Hello Amal,
Thanks for reaching out!
How did you implement the plugin initially? Did you install on the root domain and network-activate? Then you should deactivate it on the root domain.
Did you install the plugin on each site in the network? Then the plugin should be disabled individually.
Hi Maybellyne,
We installed it only on the root domain and activated it. I don’t remember seeing a “network-activate” option. If it was there, shouldn’t it be visible now also.
Hello Amal,
Can you confirm that you are logged in as the Network Admin (aka Super Admin)?
Yes @maybellyne we logged in as Network Admin and activated it. I think that is why it’s active for all sub-sites.
@amsharma Can you please confirm whether when logged in your are checking under the site’s Plugins area in the left hand menu, or from the top menu for My Sites>Network Admin>Plugins?
If you aren’t seeing the Network Admin option in WordPress, that is typically due to being logged in as an administrator or other type of user, as opposed to the Super Admin. You can also find additional information on Network Activation of plugins in WordPress multisite here.
@devnihil Ok, we found it. We were all the time looking at Yoast settings (Dashboard etc) for the option. This is in the Plugins list and is available for all plugins. So, this is an option provided by WordPress itself. Didn’t realize it was an option for each plugin.
We didn’t use this option, does that mean Yoast automatically activated itself for all subsites, is it?
If you have activated the Yoast SEO plugin from the network level (Sites → Network Admin → Plugins), Yoast SEO is activated for all subsites.
If you haven’t activated the Yoast SEO plugin on the network level, the plugin is only available on specific sites where you have enabled them specifically from the plugins page.
We are going ahead and marking this issue as resolved due to inactivity. If you require any further assistance please create a new issue.