I can confirm this also – “Featured Image” panel in righthand sidebar (normally in between “Categories” and “Excerpt”) is not present.
To be clear – the option to set a featured image while editing a post (using the block editor not classic) has disappeared? This is definitely not intentional, but not something that we’ve seen during testing. A few testing questions:
– What version of WordPress are you on?
– Are you using a child theme? If so which child theme and is it possible to test activating ONLY the parent theme to see if the issue continues?
– Can you try disabling each plugin one-by-one to determine if there’s a plugin conflict?
WP 6.1.1
Tested with all plugins disabled
1) Twenty Twenty-One theme activated
2) Understrap base theme activated (child theme not active theme)
This image shows the results: https://eyecare.org.uk/missing-featured.png
Top half shows with 2021
Bottom half with Understrap 1.2
Righthand dev tools examining sidebar with Understrap 1.2
Great! We’re tracking the issue on our Github account as well and think we may have a fix but will be doing some additional research before deploying a bugfix release. You can always manually swap out this line of code for the time being and see if it helps”
The updated code in inc/setup.php
Yes, that line of code sorts things!
Great! We’ve released an updated (1.2.1) with the hotfix. Thanks for the help here.