Plugin Author
Hi @syedahmad
In the list on the plugin description names the format of the attributes in the list is:
attribute_name(different values available)
That actual usage is same as other WordPress shortcodes. There’s an example just below the list of attributes:
[authors_list style="2" columns="2" amount="4" show_count="no"]
So for example the style(1,2,3)
means that the attribute name is style
and the available values are 1, 2 and 3. Usage would be as following:
[authors_list style="2"]
Sorry it wasn’t clear enough.
hi can you please do me a favor and write a code for me .
i have renamed the roles to
i want to show all members of one role e.g (all members of role 1)
can you write a short code which shows,
avatar ,
name ,
posts, (author page )
please so i can copy paste the same code for my different roles.
right now only admin is being shown here .
[ Redundant link removed again. Can you stop doing that please? ]
Jan Dembowski
Forum Moderator and Brute Squad
Side note to @syedahmad Could you refrain from posting your link again and needlessly?
The automated spam system has you pegged as a spammer. You don’t want to be labeled that, do you? The link belongs in the link field please use that.
ok sorry , i was not aware of that
Plugin Author
Hi @syedahmad
Based on the info you sent you only need to supply the roles parameter and disable the post count (“X posts” that shows below avatar).
[authors_list roles="administrator" show_count="no"]
The example below shows all those with the role of administrator. Just replace that role value for other roles.
Thank you , i guess i have found the issue.
default roles , subscriber or admin or other built in wp are perfectly visible .
newly made roles with plugins are not working. but thank you so much for your aid..
kindly remove the webpage link from thread which i provided in start.( Privacy Concern)
Plugin Author
If the plugin you used handles the roles in a way that WordPress considers them as new roles it should work out.
Make sure you use the correct role name. You mentioned 1,2,3… but I don’t think roles can be named like that, maybe those are the role labels, but not the names of the roles.
Which plugin did you use?
kindly remove the webpage link from thread which i provided in start.( Privacy Concern)
The link supplied there is only visible to me (plugin author) and the forum moderators. The contents of the message itself are visible for everyone.
We (plugin authors) can’t make changes to that but if you still want it removed let me know and I’ll do an @ mention for the moderator who already had a comment in this thread.
Thank you so much, i will try out later. i am sure it will be working perfectly .
really love this plugin <3 and admin team response is really satisfactory and compassionate .
Plugin Author
Hi @syedahmad
You’re welcome and thank you.
Happy New Year, wish you all the best in 2021.