• Nice tool to print the complete blog or parts of the blog filtered by catogories or sites. But headlines lower than h1 have the same font size like the font size of the textbody. It’s very helpful to print out some blog posts together.
    I use footnotes plug-in. The footnote are printed inline with shortcodes (()) and not at the bottom of a page or at the end of a post with footnote marks.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by rmfberlin.
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  • Plugin Author Chris Hardie


    Hi – thank you for trying out the plugin! Support for additional headline styles is something I can add soon. For the footnote plugin you mentioned, while I’m not sure I’ll be able to support footnotes within the generated PDF any time soon, if you can tell me which plugin it is and how you are using it, I may be able to help ensure that the extra output in the content body is removed. Thanks again.

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