Plugin Author
Hi Elokasom, thanks for using my plugin 🙂
So far we don’t have the setting option for that, but I have just created a custom CSS to make it happen. Please take a look of the codes on my gist url below. You can copy-paste this code to your theme’s style.css file.
Hi Haris, thanks a lot for your quick answer !
I did a copy-paste of this code to my theme’s style.css file but doesn’t change anything. I also tried to copy-paste it into the plugin’s .css files I have found but doesn’t help. Any clue what could be the problem ?
Maybe shall I mention that I am using Feslider only with the the featured image option (Jetpack portfolio Tiled Galleries) in my current theme.
Would be great if you had a solution.
Plugin Author
I don’t think the Jetpack will affect the css, maybe you should hard-reload (ctrl + f5) the page?. I have tried the CSS (applied with Simple Custom CSS plugin) and it does work as expected, please check my demo post:
Yes, it works ! It was just about the hard-reload ! That’s great ! Thanks you !