• I’m using the latest version of W3TC (recently upgraded) and I don’t use its database caching because I’m using HyperDB instead.

    I noticed that after the upgrade, any time I clear the cache, the plugin deletes HyperDB’s version of db.php. This may be because this time I actually disabled database caching in W3TC’s configs (before, I kept it enabled and just replaced db.php with HyperDB’s but since the newest version displays the annoying red warning now that can’t be dismissed, I ended up unchecking db caching).

    There’s no reason clearing the cache should delete db.php. Enabling or disabling db caching should do the appropriate db.php mods, but not just clearing the cache. W3TC works fine with HyperDB if db caching is disabled, but this makes it impossible to do. Please consider not removing db.php upon cache clearing.

    Alternatively, I feel like there’s only a little bit to support HyperDB with all its benefits (such as being able to use master-slave DBs and achieving high availability). Perhaps W3TC can be finally pushed over the finish line?


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  • Thread Starter archon810


    Actually, looks like any request to wp-admin/admin.php?page=w3tc_general wipes it, as per lib/W3/DbCacheAdminEnvironment.php fix_on_wpadmin_request().

    This is affecting me using MultiDB too, I’ve just hashed out the line else and proceeding line from lib/W3/DbCacheAdminEnvironment.php fix_on_wpadmin_request() as you suggested.


    This affecting also APC external object cache (and others object cache alternative) and others with custom db.php … solutions?

    Did this get fixed yet? Don’t really want to test it on my live install.

    The problem is not fixed … ;( Real problem exist with external db.php and object-cache.php provided by others plugins and deleted and override by W3TC … sorry ;(

    I installed it to test in the end, it will only delete the db.php or object-cache.php if you enable them individually, if you leave them unticked you can use the originals without problem.


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