• fedgallardo



    Warning: get_icon(../../../../wp-content/plugins/WeatherIcon/icons//.icon.ipk): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in ../../../../wp-content/plugins/WeatherIcon/WeatherIconMetar.php on line 1516

    Warning: get_icon(): Failed opening '../../../../wp-content/plugins/WeatherIcon/icons//.icon.ipk' for inclusion (include_path='.:/nau/share/lib/php') in ../../../../wp-content/plugins/WeatherIcon/WeatherIconMetar.php on line 1516
    Temperature: 57°F
    Dew Point: 19°F
    Wind: SSW at 27 mph gusting to 44 mph
    Humidity: 22.6%
    Barometer: 30.00 inHg
    Clouds: Clear Skies
    Clouds: Clear Skies
    Visibility: 10 miles
    Sunrise: 4:01 pm GMT-7
    Sunset: 5:08 am GMT-7
    Updated: 3:56 pm GMT-7

    Debug Information:

    * Version Information:
    o Current PHP version: 4.4.2
    o WordPress version: 2.0.2
    o WeatherIcon version: 2.99.70
    * Passed Location:



    [station] => KFLG
    [latitude] => 35.8
    [longitude] => 111.40
    [gmt_offset] => -7
    [language] => english

    * NOAA Responded:
    * METAR Debug:

    [remarks] => RMK AO2 PK WND 22038/2247 SLP091 T01391067
    [metar] => KFLG 172256Z 21023G38KT 10SM CLR 14/M07 A3000 RMK AO2 PK WND 22038/2247 SLP091 T01391067

    [icao] => KFLG
    [time] => 1145314560
    [wind] => Array
    [deg] => 210
    [knots] => 23
    [m/s] => 11.8
    [km/h] => 42.6
    [mph] => 26.5
    [gust] => Array
    [knots] => 38
    [m/s] => 19.5
    [km/h] => 70.4
    [mph] => 43.7


    [visibility] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [prefix] => 0
    [miles] => 10.0
    [ft] => 52800
    [km] => 16.1
    [m] => 16093


    [clouds] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [condition] => CLR


    [temperature] => Array
    [temp_c] => 14
    [temp_f] => 57
    [dew_c] => -7
    [dew_f] => 19

    [altimeter] => Array
    [inhg] => 30.00
    [mmhg] => 762.0
    [hpa] => 1016
    [atm] => 1.003

    [rel_humidity] => 22.6
    [humidex] => Array
    [humidex_c] => 10.4
    [humidex_f] => 50.7

    [icon_name] => CLR
    [icon] => /.


    [sunrise] => 1145314860
    [sunset] => 1145275680

    o Latitude: 35.8
    o Longitude: 111.40
    o GMT Offset: -7
    o Now?: 16.3166666667
    o sunrise date/time (localized): April 17th, 2006 16:01:00
    o sunrise hour: 16.0166666667
    o sunrise date/time (localized): April 17th, 2006 05:08:00
    o sunset hour: 5.13333333333

    [display_options] => Array
    [0] =>
    [1] => display_temp
    [2] => display_wind
    [3] => display_clouds_detailed
    [4] => display_sunset
    [5] => display_sunrise
    [6] => display_updatetime

    [language] => english
    [cache_timeout] => 1800
    [icon_pack] =>
    [usetime] => currenttime
    [gmt_offset] => -7
    [sunrise_hour] => 6:45
    [default_time] => g:i a
    [sunset_hour] => 20:15
    [units] => Array
    [temp] => F
    [visibility] => miles
    [wind] => mph
    [clouds] => ft
    [pressure] => inHg

    [locations] => Array
    [Flagstaff] => Array
    [station] => KFLG
    [latitude] => 35.8
    [longitude] => 111.40
    [gmt_offset] => -7
    [language] => english


    [default_location] => Flagstaff

    It seems this plugin is “automaticaly” finding my plugin directory. The problem is my blog is not in the directory that this plugin thinks. Does anyone know how I could change this? I think i need to enter the path manually, but i dont know where or how.

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