Good catch. That was an interference with the new Polylang features of the Pro version. Fixed in 2.3.9
“int(27171) ok” this error getting while translating, but content not translated.
That was me letting a debug display in the code 🙁 . Fixed in
Thread Starter
Here the problem now is that the download does not match the version and downloads 2.3.8 I don’t know if it’s a problem that it’s not updated yet in the repository or an error in the download.
That’s a SVN lag. It should show as in
Thread Starter
OK, it looks like it was Opera’s fault. It was solved by changing browser.
As for me, with the Greek and Turkish languages are back and the rest work as well. Tnx!
Now it’s showing translated, but the actual content doesn’t translating it’s stays at at the same language.
Note: For Lang Using Polylang Pro.
Can you make sure to update to the latest version ? and expand on what happens and how ?
Yess, the plugin has been updated to latest version
For Translation, when i translate English to Japanese or whatever language it shows “This post has been translated.” but when I look at the content, it stays same as in English.
Thread Starter
@mainakmk If you want to try it, the same thing happened to me just installed and I had to clear Opera’s cache (it didn’t happen in Chrome) and it worked again.
@jrmora Thanks for letting me know,
from my end, it’s doesn’t work with Opera. Also All Chromium-based browsers are not working.
@mainakmk could you share the logs for the latest translations ?
Here is the translation log:-
This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by mainakmk.
This reply was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by mainakmk.
I meant the logs from Settings / Deepl / Maintenance tab
Here You go
Fichier ‘errors’ pour 11/2023
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a:6:{s:4:”date”;s:19:”05/11/2023 05:59:19″;s:2:”ID”;i:26300;s:7:”success”;b:0;s:6:”errors”;O:8:”WP_Error”:3:{s:6:”errors”;a:1:{s:14:”Quota Exceeded”;a:1:{i:0;s:0:””;}}s:10:”error_data”;a:0:{}s:18:”*additional_data”;a:0:{}}i:0;s:17:”Translation error”;i:1;s:77:”{“success”:false,”errors”:{“errors”:{“Quota Exceeded”:[“”]},”error_data”:[]}}”;}
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