Hi @wordpressnetwork
You can use this function in order to flush it after the importing is done:
if ( class_exists( '\FilterEverything\Filter\Plugin' ) ) {
$fe = new \FilterEverything\Filter\Plugin();
Best Regards – Victor
Thanks Victor, I will put that in my functions.php and schedule it after the import is done.
Can you tell me how (and how often) normally the indexation is triggered? And where that information is stored (database or separate file)?
Thanks a lot
Hi @wordpressnetwork
There is no schedule for that, whenever you hit update the filter set or flush it manually with the function or add the “?reset_filters_cache=true” to the URL on your shop page, for example, mysite.com/?reset_filters_cache=true or update posts/products and hit update it should flush it.
But if you simply import it, the changes won’t appear. So either flush it manually or use the functions for it whenever you do import a product. Or you can do the cron.
It is basically the inner cache for the plugin.
Best Regard – Victor
I understand. Much appreciated!