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  • Dear vprat,
    The plugin you made is really nice. I would like to say great work. After playing a little with the plugin I have found these bugs.

    • user cannot send private message only with ‘UM – Send Private Messages’ capability. A user can only send private message if he is assigned both ‘UM – Send Public Messages’ & ‘UM – Send Private Messages’ capability. If user is assign only ‘UM – Send Private Messages’ capability ‘You are not allowed to send public messages’ error message shown when sending.
    • Reply To Sender & Reply To All Recipients dose not function after clicking. ‘You must select at least one recipient.’ error message shown when sending message

    Fixing these bug will make the plugin more functional.

    Thanks you.

    Yeah.. This is the only problem with this plugin. authors and contributors cant send private messages or reply to any..

    I hope this will be fixed soon.

    Anyways.. A great work indeed.. cheers..

    Hi vprat!

    I just have one question: is there any version of your plugin that will work with wp v2.6.5 because I cannot upgrade to 2.8.4 (since 2.7, wordpress use more than 24M of memory)??


    Really great work, Vincent. Have been waiting for something like this for so long. Thanks a lot.
    I was wondering if there is any way to display the names of users in alphabetical order instead of registration-order?

    Thanks again,

    A shame that the capability names are too long (using Role Manager with custom roles and keep getting errors), so I can’t give anyone the capability of sending emails, sending/receiving PM’s etc.

    Appears I can’t even give ’em the capability of using the plugin. Seems to me the dashes in the capability names are the issue (since they all don’t work and NextGen capabilities do work and they’re a bit long too).

    Will be fixed soon. Let me come back from holiday. Please post all bug reports on my website forum so I can track them.

    Should be fixed in version 1.2.0:
    – I was wondering if there is any way to display the names of users in alphabetical order instead of registration-order?
    – capability names are too long and use dashes
    – authors and contributors cant send private messages or reply to any

    Please report any bug or feature request on the appropriate forum on Thanks.

    Version 2.0.0 of the plugin is now available on my website. See the page for the change log, manuals and more information.

    Great plugin, but still one thing left as bug:
    – contributors cant send private messages or reply to any

    (I did not try with authors)


    p.s. I upgraded to Version 1.2.2 and still have the same problem:
    – contributors cant send private messages or reply to any

    (error description: You are not allowed to send public messages)

    I use Role Manager but still no effect..

    This bug has been corrected already in version 2.1.0 (commercial one). I will not update version 1.2.2 anymore because the differences with 2.x are becoming quite big and maintaining two branches is too much.

    However, for this one I can give you the patch: you can replace all the “$this->type” by “$type” in the file Messenger.php, lines 67 to 73.

    Thank you! That means you’re done with this plugin.
    Now it’s workin’ FINE!

    Lines 67 to 73 before:

    if ($this->view_type==UM_PUBLIC_MESSAGE_TYPE && !current_user_can(UM_SEND_PUBLIC_MESSAGES_CAP)) {
    $result[‘general_errors’][] = __(“You are not allowed to send public messages”, “um”);
    return $result;
    } else if ($this->view_type==UM_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TYPE && !current_user_can(UM_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGES_CAP)) {
    $result[‘general_errors’][] = __(“You are not allowed to send private messages”, “um”);
    return $result;
    } else if ($this->view_type!=UM_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TYPE && $this->view_type!=UM_PUBLIC_MESSAGE_TYPE) {

    And the new code:

    if ($type==UM_PUBLIC_MESSAGE_TYPE && !current_user_can(UM_SEND_PUBLIC_MESSAGES_CAP)) {
    $result[‘general_errors’][] = __(“You are not allowed to send public messages”, “um”);
    return $result;
    } else if ($type==UM_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TYPE && !current_user_can(UM_SEND_PRIVATE_MESSAGES_CAP)) {
    $result[‘general_errors’][] = __(“You are not allowed to send private messages”, “um”);
    return $result;
    } else if ($type!=UM_PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TYPE && $this->view_type!=UM_PUBLIC_MESSAGE_TYPE) {

    Thank you once again!

    No, I am not done with this plugin. But I keep developing the “commercial” version (available for 7€). Many more features got implemented in that one. From time to time I might release an update or two to this 1.x branch to keep it compatible with the WordPress versions.

    But my focus is now primarily 2.x versions.

    I thought so. I wanted to say that the plugin now works well and I am satisfied with noncommercial version. I’m sure that the commercial one has more features.

    And thank you for this:

    I might release an update or two to this 1.x branch to keep it compatible with the WordPress versions..

    The update is released (1.2.3)

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