• I want to share a new plugin I developed and this seemed like a great place to find my target audience. My plugin is called SuperCPT and it adds object wrappers for Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, and Meta Boxes and fields. In short, SuperCPT:

    • DRYs up the Custom Post Type and Custom Taxonomy process (e.g. automatically adds the name to all the labels),
    • allows you to set default options for all your Custom Post Types and Taxonomies,
    • significantly simplifies the process of creating, saving, and displaying Custom Post Meta,
    • is sexy! Your custom fields are styled to look great and SuperCPT comes with 350 awesome icons courtesy of glyphicons.com.

    To whet your appetite, this code creates a new custom post type for movies, gives it a custom icon, and adds a meta box with three fields.

    $movies = new Super_Custom_Post_Type( 'movie' );
    $movies->set_icon( 'film' );
    $movies->add_meta_box( array(
        'id' => 'features',
        'fields' => array(
            'tagline' => array( 'type' => 'text' ),
            'synopsis' => array( 'type' => 'textarea' ),
            'release_date' => array( 'type' => 'date' )
    ) );

    Some useful links:

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