This could be possible with Participants Database…what you describe can be done using the Contact Button add-on. You may want to look ahead for everything else you want to do, however. The plugin may not fit your needs in the long run.
It may be worth your while to look into premium WordPress plugins that can get you closer to everything you want to do with your business.
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Thanks a lot for that answer – I just bought these 2 ones and will try it today.
Sounds like a good solution, will see 🙂
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I am just wondering how to get the button visible in list view…
You need to configure a new field as your button. Once the field is defined, you just need to include it in the fields that are shown in the list on the Manage List Columns page.
This is explained in greater detail in the docs for the add-on.
Thread Starter
Got it.
I created an email template, but no mail is sent when clicking the send button on the website.
The partizipant geht’s no mail, the sender also not.
Where is the problem?
My website, in progress, is
Please open the menu upper right and select list.
Everything looks OK on your site. In the Participants Database plugin settings under the advanced tab is a setting to turn on debugging. Turn that on, then test the contact button. The debug log should tell you what happened.
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This is the log after 3 tries with the contact button, email to the participant has not been sended:
Log file initiated at: 2. November 2018 10:12 CET
[11/02/18 10:13am CET]
PDb_List::_setup_iteration list query: SELECT, p.first_name,,, p.tierarten, p.erfahrungen, p.tiersitterzeiten, p.anfrage FROM wpvn_participants_database p ORDER BY DESC
[11/02/18 10:19am CET]
PDb_List::_setup_iteration list query: SELECT, p.first_name,,, p.tierarten, p.erfahrungen, p.tiersitterzeiten, p.anfrage FROM wpvn_participants_database p ORDER BY DESC
[11/02/18 10:32am CET]
list query: SELECT * FROM wpvn_participants_database p ORDER BY p.date_updated desc
I suggest you check the configuration of your email template. Make sure the Send Action is set to “Contact Button Email” and it is enabled.
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That works 👍
Now only one topic is left: How to put the data that are filled in the contact window fields, to be sent within the mail template?
This is explained in the instructions for the Contact Button add-on under Setting Up the Email/Using Value Tags.
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Great, thank you very much for your fast and super support!
Have a good time. Btw do you really live in Hawaii? 😮