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  • Can you upload the header.php and functions .php

    Thread Starter Anjulina


    Thank you for your help. Here is the Header.php section:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”&gt;
    <html xmlns=”; <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”<?php bloginfo(‘html_type’); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo(‘charset’); ?>” />
    <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=EmulateIE7″ />
    <?php /* if index.php or another page template (copied from index.php) was not used
    (i.e. by a plugin such as WPG2), the global $bfa_ata would be empty */
    global $bfa_ata, $cols, $left_col, $left_col2, $right_col, $right_col2;
    if ($bfa_ata == “”) include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_get_options.php’); ?>
    <?php if ( $bfa_ata[‘css_external’] == “External” ) { ?>
    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/?bfa_ata_file=css” type=”text/css” media=”all” />
    <?php } ?>
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_meta_tags.php’); ?>
    <?php if ($bfa_ata[‘favicon_file’] != “”) { ?><link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/favicon/<?php echo $bfa_ata[‘favicon_file’]; ?>” /><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_single() OR is_page() ) { ?><link rel=”canonical” href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>” /><?php } ?>
    <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> RSS Feed” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>” />
    <link rel=”alternate” type=”application/atom+xml” title=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> Atom Feed” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘atom_url’); ?>” />
    <link rel=”pingback” href=”<?php bloginfo(‘pingback_url’); ?>” />
    <?php wp_enqueue_script( ‘jquery’ ); ?>
    <?php if ( function_exists(‘wp_list_comments’) AND is_singular() ) { wp_enqueue_script( ‘comment-reply’ ); } ?>
    <?php wp_head(); ?>
    <?php bfa_html_inserts($bfa_ata[‘html_inserts_header’]); ?>
    <?php if ($bfa_ata[‘pngfix_selectors’] != “”) { ?>
    <!–[if IE 6]>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/js/DD_roundies.js”></script>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>DD_roundies.addRule(‘<?php echo $bfa_ata[‘pngfix_selectors’]; ?>’);</script>
    <?php } ?>
    <body <?php body_class(); ?><?php if ($bfa_ata[‘html_inserts_body_tag’] != “”) { echo ‘ ‘; bfa_html_inserts($bfa_ata[‘html_inserts_body_tag’]); } ?>>
    <?php bfa_html_inserts($bfa_ata[‘html_inserts_body_top’]); ?>
    <div id=”wrapper”>
    <div id=”container”>
    <table id=”layout” border=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ cellpadding=”0″>
    <?php if ( $left_col == “on” ) { ?><col class=”colone” /><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( $left_col2 == “on” ) { ?><col class=”colone-inner” /><?php } ?>
    <col class=”coltwo” />
    <?php if ( $right_col2 == “on” ) { ?><col class=”colthree-inner” /><?php } ?>
    <?php if ( $right_col == “on” ) { ?><col class=”colthree” /><?php } ?>

    <!– Header –>
    <td id=”header” colspan=”<?php echo $cols; ?>”>

    <?php bfa_header_config($bfa_ata[‘configure_header’]); ?>

    <!– / Header –>


    <!– Main Body –>
    <tr id=”bodyrow”>

    <?php if ( $left_col == “on” ) { ?>
    <!– Left Sidebar –>
    <td id=”left”>

    <?php // Widgetize the Left Sidebar
    if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Left Sidebar’) ) : ?>

    <div class=”widget widget_categories”><div class=”widget-title”>
    <h3><?php _e(‘Categories’,’atahualpa’); ?></h3>

      <?php wp_list_categories(‘show_count=1&title_li=’); ?>


    <div class=”widget widget_archive”><div class=”widget-title”>
    <h3><?php _e(‘Archives’,’atahualpa’); ?></h3>

      <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’); ?>


    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– / Left Sidebar –>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if ( $left_col2 == “on” ) { ?>
    <!– Left INNER Sidebar –>
    <td id=”left-inner”>

    <?php // Widgetize the Left Inner Sidebar
    if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘Left Inner Sidebar’) ) : ?>

    <!– no default content for the LEFT INNER sidebar –>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <!– / Left INNER Sidebar –>
    <?php } ?>

    <!– Main Column –>
    <td id=”middle”>

    Thread Starter Anjulina


    Here is the functions.php section:

    $bfa_ata_version = “3.4.9”;

    // Load translation file

    // disable wp texturize, remove hashes to enable
    #remove_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wptexturize’);
    #remove_filter(‘the_excerpt’, ‘wptexturize’);
    #remove_filter(‘comment_text’, ‘wptexturize’);
    #remove_filter(‘the_title’, ‘wptexturize’);

    // get default theme options
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_theme_options.php’);
    // Load options
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_get_options.php’);

    // Sidebars:
    if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebar’) ) {

    ‘name’=>’Left Sidebar’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
    ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,
    ‘before_title’ => ‘<div class=”widget-title”><h3>’,
    ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3></div>’,

    ‘name’=>’Right Sidebar’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
    ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,
    ‘before_title’ => ‘<div class=”widget-title”><h3>’,
    ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3></div>’,

    ‘name’=>’Left Inner Sidebar’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
    ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,
    ‘before_title’ => ‘<div class=”widget-title”><h3>’,
    ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3></div>’,

    ‘name’=>’Right Inner Sidebar’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
    ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,
    ‘before_title’ => ‘<div class=”widget-title”><h3>’,
    ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3></div>’,

    // Register additional extra widget areas:
    # $bfa_ata_extra_widget_areas = get_option(‘bfa_widget_areas’);
    $bfa_ata_extra_widget_areas = $bfa_ata[‘bfa_widget_areas’];

    if ($bfa_ata_extra_widget_areas != ”) {
    foreach ($bfa_ata_extra_widget_areas as $widget_area) {
    ‘name’ => $widget_area[‘name’],
    ‘before_widget’ => $widget_area[‘before_widget’],
    ‘after_widget’ => $widget_area[‘after_widget’],
    ‘before_title’ => $widget_area[‘before_title’],
    ‘after_title’ => $widget_area[‘after_title’]

    // Load functions
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_header_config.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_hor_cats.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_hor_pages.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_footer.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_recent_comments.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_popular_posts.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_popular_in_cat.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_subscribe.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_postinfo.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_rotating_header_images.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_next_previous_links.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_post_parts.php’);
    if (!function_exists(‘paged_comments’))
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_custom_comments.php’);

    // old, propretiary bodyclasses() of Atahualpa. Usage: bodyclasses()
    // include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_bodyclasses.php’);
    // new, default WordPress body_class(). usage: body_class()
    // include only in WP 2.3 – WP 2.7 . From WP 2.8 on it is a core WordPress function:
    if (!function_exists(‘body_class’))
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_body_class.php’);

    // For plugin “Sociable”:
    if (function_exists(‘sociable_html’))
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_sociable2.php’);

    // “Find in directory” function, needed for finding header images on WPMU
    if (file_exists(ABSPATH.”/wpmu-settings.php”))
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_m_find_in_dir.php’);

    // add jquery function only to theme page or widgets won’t work in 2.3 and older
    #if ( $_GET[‘page’] == basename(__FILE__) ) {

    // CSS for admin area
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_css_admin_head.php’);
    // Add the CSS to the <head>…</head> of the theme option admin area
    add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘bfa_add_stuff_admin_head’);

    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_ata_add_admin.php’);
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_ata_admin.php’);
    add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘bfa_ata_add_admin’);


    // Escape single & double quotes
    function bfa_escape($string) {
    $string = str_replace(‘”‘, ‘"’, $string);
    $string = str_replace(“‘”, ‘'’, $string);
    return $string;

    // change them back
    function bfa_unescape($string) {
    $string = str_replace(‘"’, ‘”‘, $string);
    $string = str_replace(‘'’, “‘”, $string);
    return $string;

    function bfa_escapelt($string) {
    $string = str_replace(‘<‘, ‘<‘, $string);
    $string = str_replace(‘>’, ‘>’, $string);
    return $string;

    function footer_output($footer_content) {
    $footer_content .= ‘
    Powered by WordPress & the Atahualpa Theme by BytesForAll. Discuss on our WP Forum‘;
    return $footer_content;

    // Move Featured Content Gallery down in script order in wp_head(), so that jQuery can finish before mootools
    function remove_featured_gallery_scripts() {
    remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘gallery_styles’);
    add_action(‘init’,’remove_featured_gallery_scripts’, 1);
    function addscripts_featured_gallery() {
    if(!function_exists(gallery_styles)) return;
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘addscripts_featured_gallery’, 12);

    // new comment template for WP 2.7+, legacy template for old WP 2.6 and older
    if ( !function_exists(‘paged_comments’) ) {
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/functions/bfa_custom_comments.php’);
    function legacy_comments($file) {
    if( !function_exists(‘wp_list_comments’) )
    $file = TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/legacy.comments.php’;

    return $file;
    add_filter(‘comments_template’, ‘legacy_comments’);

    // remove WP default inline CSS for “.recentcomments a” from header
    function remove_wp_widget_recent_comments_style() {
    remove_filter(‘wp_head’, ‘wp_widget_recent_comments_style’ );
    add_filter( ‘wp_head’, ‘remove_wp_widget_recent_comments_style’, 1 );

    /* Remove plugin CSS & JS and include them in the theme’s main CSS and JS files
    This will be extended and improved in upcoming versions */

    // remove WP Pagenavi CSS, will be included in css.php
    if (function_exists(‘wp_pagenavi’)) {
    remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘pagenavi_css’);

    // remove Sociable CSS & JS, will be included in css.php and js.php
    # if (function_exists(‘sociable_html’)) {
    # remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘sociable_wp_head’);
    # }

    // If the plugin Share This is activated, disable its auto-output so we can control it
    // through the Atahualpa Theme Options
    if ( function_exists(‘akst_share_link’) ) {
    @define(‘AKST_ADDTOCONTENT’, false);
    @define(‘AKST_ADDTOFOOTER’, false);


    // Register new query variables “bfa_ata_file” and “bfa_debug” with WordPress
    add_filter(‘query_vars’, ‘add_new_var_to_wp’);
    function add_new_var_to_wp($public_query_vars) {
    $public_query_vars[] = ‘bfa_ata_file’;
    $public_query_vars[] = ‘bfa_debug’;
    return $public_query_vars;

    // if debug add/remove info
    if ( function_exists(‘wp_generator’) ) {
    remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘wp_generator’);
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘bfa_debug’);
    function bfa_debug() {
    global $bfa_ata, $bfa_ata_version;
    $debug = get_query_var(‘bfa_debug’);
    if ( $debug == 1 ) {
    echo ‘<meta name=”theme” content=”Atahualpa ‘ . $bfa_ata_version . ‘” />’ . “\n”;
    if ( function_exists(‘the_generator’) ) {
    the_generator( apply_filters( ‘wp_generator_type’, ‘xhtml’ ) );
    echo ‘<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, follow” />’.”\n”;

    /* redirect the template if new var “bfa_ata_file” or “bfa_debug” exists in URL
    and is “css” or “js”, or “yes” for debug. That means that a request for would not try to display a
    normal page but do whatever we define below. In this
    case “get the saved options and display the CSS file” */
    add_action(‘template_redirect’, ‘bfa_css_js_redirect’);
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘bfa_inline_css_js’);

    /* since 3.4.3 */
    function add_js_link() {
    global $bfa_ata;
    if ( $bfa_ata[‘javascript_external’] == “External” ) { ?>
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>/?bfa_ata_file=js”></script>
    <?php }
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘add_js_link’);

    function bfa_css_js_redirect() {
    global $bfa_ata;
    $bfa_ata_query_var_file = get_query_var(‘bfa_ata_file’);
    if ( $bfa_ata_query_var_file == “css” OR $bfa_ata_query_var_file == “js” ) {
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/’ . $bfa_ata_query_var_file . ‘.php’);
    exit; // this stops WordPress entirely
    // Since 3.4.7: Import/Export Settings
    if ( $bfa_ata_query_var_file == “settings-download” ) {
    $uploadedfile = $_FILES[‘userfile’];
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/download.php’);
    exit; // this stops WordPress entirely
    if ( $bfa_ata_query_var_file == “settings-upload” ) {
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/upload.php’);
    exit; // this stops WordPress entirely

    function bfa_inline_css_js() {
    global $bfa_ata;
    $bfa_ata_preview = get_query_var(‘preview’);
    $bfa_ata_debug = get_query_var(‘bfa_debug’);
    if ( $bfa_ata_preview == 1 OR $bfa_ata[‘css_external’] == “Inline” OR
    ( $bfa_ata_debug == 1 AND $bfa_ata[‘allow_debug’] == “Yes” ) ) {
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/css.php’);
    if ( $bfa_ata_preview == 1 OR $bfa_ata[‘javascript_external’] == “Inline” OR
    ( $bfa_ata_debug == 1 AND $bfa_ata[‘allow_debug’] == “Yes” ) ) {
    include_once (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/js.php’);

    // Custom Excerpts
    function bfa_wp_trim_excerpt($text) { // Fakes an excerpt if needed

    global $bfa_ata, $post;

    if ( ” <> $text ) {
    // an excerpt exists, just stick on the ‘custom read more’ and we’re done
    $words = explode(‘ ‘, $text);
    $custom_read_more = str_replace(‘%permalink%’, get_permalink(), $bfa_ata[‘custom_read_more’]);
    $custom_read_more = str_replace(‘%title%’, the_title(”,”,FALSE), $custom_read_more);
    array_push($words, $custom_read_more);
    $text = implode(‘ ‘, $words);
    return $text;

    $text = get_the_content(”);
    $words = explode(‘ ‘, $text);
    $post_content = $post->post_content;
    $post_content_length = count(explode(‘ ‘, $post_content));

    if (count($words) < $post_content_length) {
    // use the teaser and its ‘read more’
    $bfa_ata_more_tag_final = str_replace(“%post-title%”, the_title(”, ”, false), $bfa_ata[‘more_tag’]);
    $text = the_content($bfa_ata_more_tag_final);
    return $text;
    } else {
    // Build the excerpt from the post

    $text = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $text);
    $text = str_replace(‘]]>’, ‘]]>’, $text);
    $text = strip_tags($text, $bfa_ata[‘dont_strip_excerpts’]);
    $excerpt_length = $bfa_ata[‘excerpt_length’];
    $words = explode(‘ ‘, $text, $excerpt_length + 3);
    $custom_read_more = str_replace(‘%permalink%’, get_permalink(), $bfa_ata[‘custom_read_more’]);
    $custom_read_more = str_replace(‘%title%’, the_title(”,”,FALSE), $custom_read_more);
    array_push($words, $custom_read_more);
    $text = implode(‘ ‘, $words);
    return $text;

    return $text;
    remove_filter(‘get_the_excerpt’, ‘wp_trim_excerpt’);
    add_filter(‘get_the_excerpt’, ‘bfa_wp_trim_excerpt’);

    /* Custom widget areas.

    <?php bfa_widget_area([parameters]); ?>

    <?php bfa_widget_area(‘name=My widget area&cells=4&align=1&align_2=9&align_3=7&width_4=700&before_widget=<div id=”%1$s” class=”header-widget %2$s”>&after_widget=</div>’); ?>

    Can be used anywhere in templates, and in theme option text areas that allow usage of PHP code.

    Available paramaters:

    name Name under which all cells of this widget area will be listed at Site Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets
    A widget area with 3 cells and a name of “My widget area” creates 3 widget cells which appear as
    “My widget area 1”, “My widget area 2” and “My widget area 3”,
    with the CSS ID’s “my_widget_area_1”, “my_widget_area_2” and “my_widget_area_3”.

    cells Amount of (table) cells. Each cell is a new widget area. Default: 1
    align Default alignment for all cells. Default: 2 (= center top). 1 = center middle, 2 = center top, 3 = right top, 4 = right middle,
    5 = right bottom, 6 = center bottom, 7 = left bottom, 8 = left middle, 9 = left top.
    align_1 Alignment for cell 1: align_2, align_3 … Non-specified cells get the default value of “align”, which, if not defined, is 2 (= center top).
    width_1 Width of cell 1: width_1, width_2, width_3 … Non-specified cells get a equal share of the remaining width of the whole table
    containing all the widget area cells.
    before_widget HTML before each widget in any cell of this widget area. Default: <div id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>
    after_widget HMTL after each widget … Default: </div>
    before_title HTML before the title of each widget in any cell of this widget area: Default: <div class=”widget-title”><h3>
    after_title HMTL after the title … Default: </h3></div>

    function bfa_widget_area($args = ”) {
    global $bfa_ata;
    $defaults = array(
    ‘cells’ => 1,
    ‘align’ => 2,
    ‘before_widget’ => ‘<div id=”%1$s” class=”widget %2$s”>’,
    ‘after_widget’ => ‘</div>’,
    ‘before_title’ => ‘<div class=”widget-title”><h3>’,
    ‘after_title’ => ‘</h3></div>’,

    $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
    extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP );

    $area_id = strtolower(str_replace(” “, “_”, $r[‘name’]));

    # $bfa_widget_areas = get_option(‘bfa_widget_areas’);
    $bfa_widget_areas = $bfa_ata[‘bfa_widget_areas’];

    // If there are more than 1 cell, use a table, otherwise just a DIV:
    if ( $r[‘cells’] > 1 ) {

    echo ‘<table id=”‘ . $area_id . ‘” class=”bfa_widget_area” style=”table-layout:fixed;width:100%” cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″>’;

    // If a width was set for any of the widget area cells:
    if ( strpos($args,’width_’) !== FALSE ) {
    echo “\n<colgroup>”;
    for ( $i = 1; $i <= $r[‘cells’]; $i++ ) {
    echo ‘<col’;
    $current_width = “width_” . $i;
    if ( $r[$current_width] ) {
    echo ‘ style=”width:’ . $r[$current_width] . ‘px”‘;
    echo ‘ />’;
    echo “</colgroup>”;

    echo “<tr>”;

    for ( $i = 1; $i <= $r[‘cells’]; $i++ ) {

    $current_name = $r[‘name’] . ‘ ‘ . $i;
    $current_id = $area_id . ‘_’ . $i;
    $current_align = “align_” . $i;

    echo “\n” . ‘<td id=”‘ . $current_id .'” ‘;

    if ( $r[$current_align] ) {
    $align_type = $r[“$current_align”];
    } else {
    $align_type = $r[‘align’];

    echo bfa_table_cell_align($align_type) . “>”;

    // Register widget area
    $this_widget_area = array(
    “name” => $current_name,
    “before_widget” => $r[‘before_widget’],
    “after_widget” => $r[‘after_widget’],
    “before_title” => $r[‘before_title’],
    “after_title” => $r[‘after_title’]

    // Display widget area

    echo “\n</td>”;

    $bfa_widget_areas[$current_name] = $this_widget_area;

    echo “\n</tr></table>”;

    } else {

    // If only 1 widget cell, use a DIV instead of a table
    echo ‘<div id=”‘ . $area_id . ‘” class=”bfa_widget_area”>’;

    // Add new widget area to existing ones
    $this_widget_area = array(
    “name” => $r[‘name’],
    “before_widget” => $r[‘before_widget’],
    “after_widget” => $r[‘after_widget’],
    “before_title” => $r[‘before_title’],
    “after_title” => $r[‘after_title’]

    // Display widget area

    echo ‘</div>’;

    $current_name = $r[‘name’];
    $bfa_widget_areas[$current_name] = $this_widget_area;


    # update_option(“bfa_widget_areas”, $bfa_widget_areas);
    $bfa_ata[‘bfa_widget_areas’] = $bfa_widget_areas;
    update_option(‘bfa_ata4’, $bfa_ata);


    function bfa_table_cell_align($align_type) {

    switch ($align_type) {
    case 1: $string = ‘align=”center” valign=”middle”‘; break;
    case 2: $string = ‘align=”center” valign=”top”‘; break;
    case 3: $string = ‘align=”right” valign=”top”‘; break;
    case 4: $string = ‘align=”right” valign=”middle”‘; break;
    case 5: $string = ‘align=”right” valign=”bottom”‘; break;
    case 6: $string = ‘align=”center” valign=”bottom”‘; break;
    case 7: $string = ‘align=”left” valign=”bottom”‘; break;
    case 8: $string = ‘align=”left” valign=”middle”‘; break;
    case 9: $string = ‘align=”left” valign=”top”‘;

    return $string;


    // Since 3.4.3: Delete Widget Areas
    function bfa_ata_reset_widget_areas() {
    global $bfa_ata;
    check_ajax_referer( “reset_widget_areas” );
    $delete_areas = $_POST[‘delete_areas’];
    # $current_areas = get_option(‘bfa_widget_areas’);
    $current_areas = $bfa_ata[‘bfa_widget_areas’];
    foreach ($delete_areas as $area_name) {
    # update_option(‘bfa_widget_areas’, $current_areas);
    $bfa_ata[‘bfa_widget_areas’] = $current_areas;
    update_option(‘bfa_ata4’, $bfa_ata);
    echo ‘Custom widget areas deleted…’;
    // add_action ( ‘wp_ajax_’ + [name of “action” in jQuery.ajax, see functions/bfa_css_admin_head.php], [name of function])
    add_action( ‘wp_ajax_reset_bfa_ata_widget_areas’, ‘bfa_ata_reset_widget_areas’ );

    // This adds arbitrary content at various places in the center (= content) column:
    function bfa_center_content($center_content) {
    global $bfa_ata;

    // PHP
    // not for WPMU – enabled again since 3.4.3 until alternative for WPMU is available
    # if ( !file_exists(ABSPATH.”/wpmu-settings.php”) ) {

    if ( strpos($center_content,'<?php ‘) !== FALSE ) {
    $center_content = ob_get_contents();

    # }

    echo $center_content;


    // Since 3.4.7 HTML Inserts with PHP, used for parsing PHP in css.php as well:
    // Purpose is that PHP such as bloginfo(‘template_directory’) can be used in CSS text areas so that image paths work across
    // Atahualpa installations & imported/exported files
    function bfa_html_inserts($custom_code) {
    if($custom_code != ”) {
    if ( strpos($custom_code,'<?php ‘) !== FALSE ) {
    $custom_code = ob_get_contents();
    # echo apply_filters(widget_text, $custom_code);
    echo $custom_code;

    /* CUSTOM BODY TITLE and meta title, meta keywords, meta description */

    /* Use the admin_menu action to define the custom boxes */
    #if (is_admin())
    #add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘bfa_ata_add_custom_box’);

    /* Use the save_post action to do something with the data entered */
    #add_action(‘save_post’, ‘bfa_ata_save_postdata’);

    /* Use the publish_post action to do something with the data entered */
    #add_action(‘publish_post’, ‘bfa_ata_save_postdata’);

    #add_action(‘pre_post_update’, ‘bfa_ata_save_postdata’);

    /* Adds a custom section to the “advanced” Post and Page edit screens */
    function bfa_ata_add_custom_box() {

    if( function_exists( ‘add_meta_box’ )) {
    add_meta_box( ‘bfa_ata_sectionid’, __( ‘Atahualpa Post Options’, ‘atahualpa’ ),
    ‘bfa_ata_inner_custom_box’, ‘post’, ‘normal’, ‘high’ );
    add_meta_box( ‘bfa_ata_sectionid’, __( ‘Atahualpa Page Options’, ‘atahualpa’ ),
    ‘bfa_ata_inner_custom_box’, ‘page’, ‘normal’, ‘high’ );
    } else {
    add_action(‘dbx_post_advanced’, ‘bfa_ata_old_custom_box’ );
    add_action(‘dbx_page_advanced’, ‘bfa_ata_old_custom_box’ );

    /* Prints the inner fields for the custom post/page section */
    function bfa_ata_inner_custom_box() {

    global $post;

    // Use nonce for verification

    echo ‘<input type=”hidden” name=”bfa_ata_noncename” id=”bfa_ata_noncename” value=”‘ .
    wp_create_nonce( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . ‘” />’;

    // The actual fields for data entry

    $thePostID = $post->ID;
    $post_id = get_post($thePostID);
    $title = $post_id->post_title;

    $body_title = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘bfa_ata_body_title’, true);
    if ( $body_title == ” ) {
    $body_title = $title;
    $display_body_title = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘bfa_ata_display_body_title’, true);
    $body_title_multi = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘bfa_ata_body_title_multi’, true);
    if ( $body_title_multi == ” ) {
    $body_title_multi = $title;
    $meta_title = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘bfa_ata_meta_title’, true);
    $meta_keywords = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘bfa_ata_meta_keywords’, true);
    $meta_description = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘bfa_ata_meta_description’, true);

    echo ‘<table cellpadding=”5″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″ style=”table-layout:fixed;width:100%”>’;
    echo ‘<tr><td style=”text-align:right;padding:2px 5px 2px 2px”><input id=”bfa_ata_display_body_title” name=”bfa_ata_display_body_title” type=”checkbox” ‘. ($display_body_title == ‘on’ ? ‘ CHECKED’ : ”) .’ /></td><td>Check to NOT display the Body Title on Single Post or Static Pages</td></tr>’;
    echo ‘<tr><td style=”text-align:right;padding:2px 5px 2px 2px”><label for=”bfa_ata_body_title”>’ . __(“Body Title Single Pages”, ‘atahualpa’ ) . ‘</label></td>’;
    echo ‘<td><input type=”text” name=”bfa_ata_body_title” value=”‘ . $body_title . ‘” size=”70″ style=”width:97%” /></td></tr>’;
    echo ‘<tr><td style=”text-align:right;padding:2px 5px 2px 2px”><label for=”bfa_ata_body_title_multi”>’ . __(“Body Title Multi Post Pages”, ‘atahualpa’ ) . ‘</label></td>’;
    echo ‘<td><input type=”text” name=”bfa_ata_body_title_multi” value=”‘ . $body_title_multi . ‘” size=”70″ style=”width:97%” /></td></tr>’;

    echo ‘<colgroup><col style=”width:200px”><col></colgroup>’;
    echo ‘<tr><td style=”text-align:right;padding:2px 5px 2px 2px”><label for=”bfa_ata_meta_title”>’ . __(“Meta Title”, ‘atahualpa’ ) . ‘</label></td>’;
    echo ‘<td><input type=”text” name=”bfa_ata_meta_title” value=”‘ .
    $meta_title . ‘” size=”70″ style=”width:97%” /></td></tr>’;

    echo ‘<tr><td style=”text-align:right;padding:2px 5px 2px 2px”><label for=”bfa_ata_meta_keywords”>’ . __(“Meta Keywords”, ‘atahualpa’ ) . ‘</label></td>’;
    echo ‘<td><input type=”text” name=”bfa_ata_meta_keywords” value=”‘ .
    $meta_keywords . ‘” size=”70″ style=”width:97%” /></td></tr>’;

    echo ‘<tr><td style=”text-align:right;vertical-align:top;padding:5px 5px 2px 2px”><label for=”bfa_ata_meta_description”>’ . __(“Meta Description”, ‘atahualpa’ ) . ‘</label></td>’;
    echo ‘<td><textarea name=”bfa_ata_meta_description” cols=”70″ rows=”4″ style=”width:97%”>’.$meta_description.'</textarea></td></tr>’;

    echo ‘</table>’;


    /* Prints the edit form for pre-WordPress 2.5 post/page */
    function bfa_ata_old_custom_box() {

    echo ‘<div class=”dbx-b-ox-wrapper”>’ . “\n”;
    echo ‘<fieldset id=”bfa_ata_fieldsetid” class=”dbx-box”>’ . “\n”;
    echo ‘<div class=”dbx-h-andle-wrapper”><h3 class=”dbx-handle”>’ .
    __( ‘Body copy title’, ‘atahualpa’ ) . “</h3></div>”;

    echo ‘<div class=”dbx-c-ontent-wrapper”><div class=”dbx-content”>’;

    // output editing form


    // end wrapper

    echo “</div></div></fieldset></div>\n”;

    /* When the post is saved, save our custom data */
    function bfa_ata_save_postdata( $post_id ) {

    /* verify this came from the our screen and with proper authorization,
    because save_post can be triggered at other times */

    if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[‘bfa_ata_noncename’], plugin_basename(__FILE__) )) {
    return $post_id;

    if ( ‘page’ == $_POST[‘post_type’] ) {
    if ( !current_user_can( ‘edit_page’, $post_id ))
    return $post_id;
    } else {
    if ( !current_user_can( ‘edit_post’, $post_id ))
    return $post_id;

    // Save the data

    $new_body_title = $_POST[‘bfa_ata_body_title’];
    $new_display_body_title = !isset($_POST[“bfa_ata_display_body_title”]) ? NULL : $_POST[“bfa_ata_display_body_title”];
    $new_body_title_multi = $_POST[‘bfa_ata_body_title_multi’];
    $new_meta_title = $_POST[‘bfa_ata_meta_title’];
    $new_meta_keywords = $_POST[‘bfa_ata_meta_keywords’];
    $new_meta_description = $_POST[‘bfa_ata_meta_description’];

    update_post_meta($post_id, ‘bfa_ata_body_title’, $new_body_title);
    update_post_meta($post_id, ‘bfa_ata_display_body_title’, $new_display_body_title);
    update_post_meta($post_id, ‘bfa_ata_body_title_multi’, $new_body_title_multi);
    update_post_meta($post_id, ‘bfa_ata_meta_title’, $new_meta_title);
    update_post_meta($post_id, ‘bfa_ata_meta_keywords’, $new_meta_keywords);
    update_post_meta($post_id, ‘bfa_ata_meta_description’, $new_meta_description);


    // Since 3.4.3: Add Spam and Delete links to comments
    /* Since 3.4.7 deactivated because it’s causing issues see
    function delete_comment_link($id) {
    if (current_user_can(‘edit_post’)) {
    echo ‘| Delete ‘;
    echo ‘| Spam‘;

    // Add “in-cat-catname” to body_class of single post pages
    function add_cats_to_body_class($classes=”) {
    if (is_single()) {
    global $post;
    $categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
    $classes[] = ‘in-cat-‘ . $category->category_nicename;
    return $classes;
    add_filter(‘body_class’, ‘add_cats_to_body_class’);

    // Since 3.4.5: WP 2.9 thumbnails support:
    if ( function_exists( ‘add_theme_support’ ) ) { // Added in 2.9
    add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );
    if ($bfa_ata[‘post_thumbnail_crop’] == “Yes”)
    set_post_thumbnail_size( $bfa_ata[‘post_thumbnail_width’], $bfa_ata[‘post_thumbnail_height’], true );
    else set_post_thumbnail_size( $bfa_ata[‘post_thumbnail_width’], $bfa_ata[‘post_thumbnail_height’] );
    add_image_size( ‘single-post-thumbnail’, 400, 9999 ); // Permalink thumbnail size

    // Since 3.4.7: Import/Export Settings
    function bfa_import_settings_now() {
    check_ajax_referer( “import_bfa_settings” );
    $new_options = maybe_unserialize(file_get_contents($_FILES[‘userfile’][‘tmp_name’]));
    update_option(‘bfa_new_test’, $new_options);
    // add_action ( ‘wp_ajax_’ + [name of “action” in jQuery.ajax, see functions/bfa_css_admin_head.php], [name of function])
    add_action( ‘wp_ajax_import_bfa_settings_now’, ‘bfa_import_settings_now’ );

    // file_get_contents/file_put_contents for PHP4
    if (!function_exists(‘file_get_contents’)) {

    function file_get_contents($filename) {
    $fhandle = fopen($filename, “r”);
    if (!$fhandle) {
    return false;
    } else {
    $fcontents = fread($fhandle, filesize($filename));
    return $fcontents;

    function file_put_contents($filename, $data) {
    $fhandle = @fopen($filename, ‘w’);
    if (!$fhandle) {
    return false;
    } else {
    $fcontents = fwrite($fhandle, $data);
    return $fcontents;


    Sorry for the late reply, I saw it today only. I had to install the theme.



    from the right side list of files select the file :


    now find the following code (CTRL+F in Firefox and search for ‘logoarea-logo’) :

    // Logo Icon for WordPress and WPMU
    		if ( $bfa_ata['logo'] != "" ) {
    			echo '<td ' . $header_rowspan . 'valign="middle" class="logoarea-logo"><a href="'; bloginfo('url'); echo '/"><img class="logo" src="';

    You need to change :

    <a href="'; bloginfo('url'); echo '/">


    <a href="HTTP://WWW.FINOMICAL.COM/">

    There is one problem with this method, whenever you update this theme, you will have to redo the above steps. From a quick look, I haven’t seen a direct way from the theme administration page.

    I am currently using atahualpa 3.4.9. How do I put my own logo on the site in the header position??

    Thread Starter Anjulina


    Ajit thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I found everything you mentioned above and I made the changes, however, when I hit the button “Update File” at the bottom of the page, it just reverts the code back to the original piece. How do I make the change stick? Thanks so much for the help. Sorry, it’s taken me so long to get back to you, I was out of the country for a while and didn’t have access to my files. Once again, thank you.

    I think the problem is because your theme files do not have the right permission. Please check them using an ftp client. (I hope you see this)

    Thread Starter Anjulina


    Ajit – thank you so much! It works now!


    I need to do the same thing. I need my logo to point to

    How must I edit this code – found on (independent WordPress installation):

    <div id="header">
     		<div class="col-full">
    			<div id="logo" class="col-left">
    			<?php if (get_option('woo_texttitle') <> "true") : $logo = get_option('woo_logo'); ?>
        	        <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" title="<?php bloginfo('description'); ?>">
        	            <img src="<?php if ($logo) echo $logo; else { bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/logo.png<?php } ?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>" />
        	    <?php endif; ?> 
        	    <?php if( is_singular() ) : ?>
        	        <span class="site-title"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></span>
        	    <?php else : ?>
        	        <h1 class="site-title"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
        	    <?php endif; ?>
        	        <span class="site-description"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></span>
    			</div><!-- /#logo -->

    That doesn’t make sense…

    Can you please explain?


    <a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" title="<?php bloginfo('description'); ?>">


    <a href="" title="YOUR_DESCRIPTION">

    I’m a newbie to WordPress, can anybody help me to replace my side logo display. i want to make my side logo can auto slide.

    Some context from the header.php
    <body <?php body_class($class); ?>>

    <div id=”pagewrap”>

    <div id=”header” class=”pagewidth”>

    <div id=”site-logo”>
    <?php if($data[‘setting-site_logo’] == ‘image’ && $data[‘setting-site_logo_image_value’] != ”){ ?>
    <?php themify_image(“src=”.$data[‘setting-site_logo_image_value’].”&w=”.$data[‘setting-site_logo_width’].”&h=”.$data[‘setting-site_logo_height’].”&alt=”.get_bloginfo(‘name’).”&before=&after=“); ?>
    <?php } else { ?>
    /”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    If you do say php code, would you mind pasting the code for me to use as I’m not that great with PHP.

    Thanks to anyone who helps.

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