• If you want the plugin to have the available mapping for your GTIN, brand, condition, or GMPN, you have to pay for the pro version. It works fine in the free version, but you will not qualify for enhanced Google listings if you cannot map these.

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  • Plugin Contributor supportadtribes


    Hi Veronica,

    Thanks for using our plugin and leaving a review.

    WooCommerce, out of the box, doesn’t come with GTIN, brand and MPN fields so the paid plan indeed offers the possibility to add those input fields to your product edit pages so you can also use them for your feeds.

    Now that being said, the way WooCommerce works, is that you can add/create those attributes yourselves pretty easily so they show up on your product edit pages and thus ca be used for feeds. This WooCommerce help page explains how to create new attributes: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-product-taxonomies/

    So, no need to buy the paid plan after all for this.

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