• Hey there!
    Got a question or an issue about ManageWP? This forum is not the best place, since we don’t visit it that often. But don’t worry, we got your back!

    ManageWP user guide
    In there you’ll find most of the answers you need. Here are some of the most popular articles:

    Contact support
    ManageWP runs so smoothly, that we can afford to provide unlimited ticket support to both free and premium users. It’s way more efficient than using this forum, and we automatically have additional info about your ManageWP account – info that could pose a security risk if posted here in a thread.

    To get in touch with our support, simply log into your ManageWP dashboard, hover over your account name at the top right, and click Contact Support

    If by any chance you can’t log into your ManageWP account, drop us a line at helpdesk|managewp.com

    ManageWP community Facebook group
    Yep, we’ve got that as well. It’s a 1k+ strong gorup where you can ask questions, , talk shop, share experience, and share ridiculous gifs. Join here.

    Thanks for reading all the way to the end, you’re a true geek… Like most of our team 😉


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