• Resolved lindinuem


    Hi all.
    This page has the following template structure:

    Navigation block has submenu items with links inside.

    The problem is that, when trying to drop-down any of the two submenus, the dropdown will unfold like behind content block, making invisible all the links inside.

    I’ve tried to play with z-index with a new CSS class, but I’m not able to get it solved.

    I’m not sure, but it seems this behavior came around after upgrading to WP 6.3.1, as it was working fine before.

    Can please anyone give me a clue on how to solve it?
    I tried to browse through the forum but didn’t find a case that could lead me to figure it out.

    Thanks a lot.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Please go to Appearance->Customize->Additional CSS option then add that code

    header .wp-block-cover{
        overflow: unset;
        z-index: 2;

    If not work the first one then remove the 1st one and add that code please

    header .wp-block-cover{
        overflow: unset !important;
        z-index: 2 !important;
    Thread Starter lindinuem


    Hi Muhammad, thank you very much for your response.
    It worked with the second of your suggestions. The first one was working but for a few of the posts that share the same page template. I set then the second one and it seems to have taken the needed priority.
    I also have noticed that setting “overflow: visible” seems to solve the problem as well.
    Thanks again for your help.

    Most Welcome & when you use only “overflow: visible” then drop down menu for first menu item overlap please see the screenshot


    So that’s why “z-index: 2;” or “z-index: 2 !important;” is needed

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