• Hello:

    I recently updated all of my wordpress plugins and initially I had tried to insert two metag values into the header.php file (this was as of 08/21/11). These were the only two changes I made to the theme. The next day I realized that the sub-menus for the navigation bar no longer appear in addition to the slider for the homepage no longer functioning. After noticing this, I completely replaced the header.php file with its original code created by the theme’s developer.

    Even after the code has been replaced to its default (i.e. metag values removed) I still experience these two problems.

    I appreciate any and all feedback, before I make the move of uninstalling and reinstalling the theme.

    Here is the header.php file code as it currently exists (which is the default code, originally provided in the theme).

    global $color_theme;
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    <!– END HEADER –>


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