Hello Vanesa, you can either:
– create distinct activities
Go to Booking Activities > Calendar editor > instead of importing the activities from the first calendar to the second, create new activities. So you can name them differently and give them a different color.
– rename your events
Go to Booking Activities > Calendar editor > Mouseover an event > go to its settings > here you can change the event title (add the location in the title for example). It will only affect the current event, so you will need to do that for each event.
– create distinct products
Go to Booking Activities > Booking forms > Create one booking form per calendar, so that booking form A displays only the events of location A, and booking form B displays only the events of location B (in Booking Activities > Booking forms > your form > Calendar settings > Filters tab > “Calendar” option).
Go to Products > Create one product per location (or a variable product with two variations), give them a proper name, with the location in their name. And bind them to their respective booking form (docs).
Finally, in Booking Activities > Bookings > in the “Screen options” (top right corner of the screen) > check the “Products” box to display the product title column in the bookings table.
Thank you very much for the explanation.
Do you think we need or recommend us any extra add-on for better user satisfaction?
Please find our calendar, it´s only 1 school, we will add soon another school.
Thank you
You are welcome.
No, the other add-ons meet specific needs, so unless you miss a feature they provide, you don’t need them.
However, I recommend to keep Booking Activities and its add-ons up to date for security and stability reasons, and to benefit from their latest features (see here) 🙂
I need some more help or a tutorial to follow.
I have created 2 calendars, each calendar for different location.
I am importing the activities for second calendar. I need to do this because i need that on the product page appear all sessions in different locations.
Question. Is there any way to show on the website ONE CALENDAR for all the sessions? I know i can show separate calendars but it´s important to show all the activities at once. Is that possible?
Thank you
We need something like this competitor is doing:
Is showing all activities, and then splitting by location.
Thank you
Is there any person who can help us?
Thank you
Sure, go to Booking Activities > Booking forms > create new > Calendar settings > Filters tab >
– “Calendar” option: click the “+” icon next to the calendar dropdown > select the desired calendars with CTRL+Click
– “Activity” option: choose “All”, or click the “+” icon next to the activity dropdown > select the desired activities with CTRL+Click
Then, copy / paste the booking form shortcode on the desired page.
Note that you can configure your booking form to add a product to cart according to the selected activity: docs, demo.
Thank you very much, it´s solved!
Have a good day