• I wrote a plugin for a site, I change DNS and site paths and now in the admin pages the menu item to configure my plugin is no longer there. I deactivated and activated but I really don’t know why this would be effected by anything I did to the site.

    Here’s the code to add actions/filters plus the function for the admin_menu action

    //Actions and Filters
    if (isset($jp_pluginSeries)) {
    	add_action('init', array(&$jp_pluginSeries, 'initJP'), 11 );
    	add_action('print_scripts', array(&$jp_pluginSeries, 'addHeader'), 1);
    	add_action('job-profiles/job-profiles.php',  array(&$jp_pluginSeries, 'init')); 
    	if (is_admin())
    		add_action('admin_print_scripts', array(&$jp_pluginSeries, 'addAdminHeader'));
    		add_action('admin_menu', 'JobProfiles_ap');
    		add_action('wp_ajax_jobsprofile_update', array(&$jp_pluginSeries, 'jobsprofile_update'), 1);
    	add_filter('the_content', array(&$jp_pluginSeries, 'DisplayProfiles'), 1);
    //Initialize the admin panel
    if (!function_exists("JobProfiles_ap"))
    	function JobProfiles_ap()
    		global $jp_pluginSeries;
    		if (isset($jp_pluginSeries) && function_exists('add_options_page'))
    			add_options_page('Job Profiles', 'Job Profiles', 5, __FILE__, array(&$jp_pluginSeries, 'printAdminPage'));
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