• hadenp


    I’m using MAMP 2.0 and have installed WP 3.5 locally. I have just ‘turned on’ multisite and modified wp-config.php and .htaccess, using the instructions for multisite.

    My problem is the links for a new site under ‘My Sites’, Site2 e.g, ‘Dashboard’, ‘Visit Site’ etc take me to a MAMP PRO screen with the following:

    MAMP PRO – manage your websites locally

    The virtual host was set up successfully.
    If you can see this page, your new virtual host was set up successfully. Now, web contents can be added and this placeholder page1 should be replaced or deleted.

    Server name: localhost
    Document-Root: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs

    1 Files: index.php and MAMP-PRO-Logo.gif

    I’ve setup multisite once before without problems.
    I’ve removed and recreated the site but with the same result.

    What could I have missed that is causing this?

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