• For both the vertical and horizontal sharing views which do not show counts, nearly all of the links are 404 and point to a non existent directory ion their webserver http://share.loginradius.com/share/ = 404 error

    I emailed these details to support@loginradius and showed them the plugin brolken on three separate sites on three different hosts, and they actually told ME to make these changes below.

    Maybe that will work, but changing plugins sounds easier to me…

    1. Login to your ftp.
    2. Open file wp-content\plugins\loginradius-for-wordpress\public\inc\sharing\class-sharing-helper.php(Take back up).
    3.Search for $sharingScript .= ‘$u.apikey= \” . trim( $loginRadiusSettings[‘LoginRadius_apikey’] ) . ‘\’;’;
    4. Replace second result with
    if ( isset( $loginRadiusSettings[‘LoginRadius_apikey’] ) && !empty( $loginRadiusSettings[‘LoginRadius_apikey’] ) ) {
    $sharingScript .= ‘$u.apikey= \” . trim( $loginRadiusSettings[‘LoginRadius_apikey’] ) . ‘\’;’;
    5. Save and upload file.


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