Unfortunately, that is not possible in the core plugin. But you can do it by creating custom forms with the Gravity Forms plugin (www.gravityforms.com) and then mapping the gravity forms data to our Gravity Forms bridge.
You can place the gravity forms shortcode on a page behind the standard WordPress login screen and then use the Guest Tickets plugin on the regular Awesome Support login screen for the guest tickets.
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Hi Awesomesupport.
Thanks for answering!
Last question: Using the Gravity Forms Plugin, is E-mail mandatory when submitting a new ticket?
Can you clarify the question? Are you asking if sending emails is mandatory or are you asking about incoming emails?
Thread Starter
Hi again.
I’m thinking of having a Submission page page with the following fields:
– Name
– Phone-number
The idea is what the agent will call the costumer back, so e-mail is not necessary.
Can you submit a ticket to without having asking the user for their e-mail?
Yes, the email address is necessary. But you could just make it a fake email address (maybe constructed off the users phone number or something similar) if its never going to be used. But WordPress requires some sort of email address to create a user account.
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Ok thanks. Yeah, i guess a hidden field with a unique dummy e-mail would be the solution.