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  • Thread Starter Damien Wilson


    I had a quick look – I think the issues lies in here:

    body = (
    "try { " +
    	(me.variable ?  "var " + me.variable + " = this.stash;" : "with (this.stash) { ") +
    	"this.ret += '"  +
    		replace(/\[\[/g, '\x11').replace(/\]\]/g, '\x13'). // if you want other tag, just edit this line
    		replace(/'(?![^\x11\x13]+?\x13)/g, '\\x27').
    		replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '').
    		replace(/\n/g, function () { return "';\nthis.line = " + (++line) + "; this.ret += '\\n" }).
    		replace(/\x11=raw(.+?)\x13/g, "' + ($1) + '").
    		replace(/\x11=(.+?)\x13/g, "' + this.escapeHTML($1) + '").
    		replace(/\x11(.+?)\x13/g, "'; $1; this.ret += '") +
    	"'; " + (me.variable ? "" : "}") + "return this.ret;" +
    	"} catch (e) { throw 'TemplateError: ' + e + ' (on " + name + "' + ' line ' + this.line + ')'; } " +
    	"//@ sourceURL=" + name + "\n" // source map
    ).replace(/this\.ret \+= '';/g, '');
    Thread Starter Damien Wilson



    I’m using W3 Total Cache – disabling Minify fixed the problem.

    However, it slowed down my site so not ideal but will have to do for now.




    Howdy DamienWilson,

    Our Tribe plugin already minifies its scripts. I can see how attempting to minify it twice could cause problems if your minifier is aggressively tuned. Leaving that option disabled is no doubt the easiest way to get hte plugin to work together. If you discover a better way involving a patch to our plugin, please let us know. The plugin is hosted on github so you can submit patches there. Thanks!

    – Brook

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