• Resolved thelongmile


    Hi there, I’m having some issues with modularity lite. Comments are showing up correctly but trackbacks and pingbacks are overlapping them in some very odd way

    here’s a screenshot

    I cant quite work out how this is happening or what code to edit, but looking at it, it seems to be because pingbacks and trackbacks dont generate any avatars. Here’s the code thats in there at the moment

    <ol class="commentlist">
    <?php foreach ($comments as $comment) : ?>
    <li class="<?php echo $oddcomment; ?>" id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>">
    <?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 75 ); ?><br />
    <strong><?php comment_author_link() ?></strong>
    <div class="comment-entry">
    <?php comment_text() ?>
    <?php if ($comment->comment_approved == '0') : ?>
    <p><em>Your comment is awaiting moderation.</em></p>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <p class="post-time"><a href="#comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>" title=""><?php comment_date('M d, Y') ?> @ <?php comment_time() ?></a><br /><?php edit_comment_link('Edit','',''); ?></p>
    <?php /* Changes every other comment to a different class */
    if ('alt' == $oddcomment) $oddcomment = '';
    else $oddcomment = 'alt';
    <?php endforeach; /* end for each comment */ ?>
    <?php else : // this is displayed if there are no comments so far ?>
    <?php if ('open' == $post->comment_status) : ?>
    <!-- If comments are open, but there are no comments. -->
    <?php else : // comments are closed ?>
    <!-- If comments are closed. -->
    <p class="nocomments">Comments are closed.</p>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    any ideas on this at all please? I have asked on the one and only free forum they have but unfortunately there’s not much luck to be had there. The more current forum they have is unfortunately a paid for resource, which I’m loathed to do as I like to take the free templates and customize them under gpl, so keeping free.

    Many thanks

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