• Resolved Bill Gilmore


    Hi, since the update the modal on my site is opening super wide across browsers. To make it look a bit better I wrapped the Modal contents in a div 300px max-width with margin 0 auto.

    Can you help me change the modal to not have this set size, looks like its stuck on 90%

    Love your plugin and reviewed it 5/5


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  • Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Have you tried going to the options tab when editing that modal and trying on of the other sizes?

    Thread Starter Bill Gilmore


    GRUMBLE! Don’t know why I didn’t see that. Sorry for annoying you.

    Any chance you know how to set the input and text area to be responsive? Ive done it with the form on the contact page and this is the same form, as so…

    #cntctfrm_contact_form input, #cntctfrm_contact_form textarea {
    padding: 5px;
    max-width: 100%;

    But it does not work with the modal for some reason.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Might need to add either display:block; or width:100%;

    Thread Starter Bill Gilmore


    Added that but it didn’t work. In the end I wrapped everything inside the modal in a div with this style: “max-width:300px; margin:0 auto; overflow:hidden;”

    That did the job, thanks for your support and keep up the great work with Easy Modal. I’ll definitely be buying your pro version for a few clients in the near future. Thanks

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