Hadn’t noticed this error before in my testing. I usually test from the user side, didn’t test at the admin/reply side.
So, I’ll stick it on the list. As you said, there is a workaround. Don’t have any ETA on the issue, though. Might be a simple fix, but will have to spend some time in researching it first. (It’s probably a filter that I need to add to the code to enable the plugin’s actions to apply to the admin/comment/reply process.)
Thanks for the kind words on the plugin. Glad it works for you. It does seem to be rather effective.
Thanks for getting back to me Rick, and yes it seems to be highly effective. I left a review as I want to encourage you to continue!
I fixed the issue with the ‘reply’ in Admin/Comments not working.
But (as detailed in your other support issue), have still not resolved why a ‘show id’ plugin displays my plugin’s GUID instead of the ID number.
Update paused until I figure out the ID display problem.
Version 2.2 is now available. Fixes:
– using ‘reply’ link on Admin/Comments list no longer blocked as spam
– using a ‘show ID’ plugin does not duplicate the GUID value in the plugin’s column on the Admin/Comments list
– green checkbox shown instead of the GUID value (although you can hover over the checkmark to see the GUID value)
All changes in the Changelog (readme).
Thanks for your alert and assistance on this.
Tested, and it’s perfect! Good work. Which leads me to my next question; why isn’t this plugin more popular? It seems ideal for the low-tech user. Install and forget.
I was looking at the copy on your website and plugin, and I was wondering if you’re open to suggestions? I hate the scourge of spam, an I want to help you in the fight against it.
Yes, the ‘BCSB’ plugin is easy to use. Just install, activate, and bot comments are blocked. No settings to worry about, it just works.
(I installed it on one site that was getting bot comments, and BCSB just stopped them immediately. And bot comment submissions don’t even get to the database, which other plugins allow. So, bot comments don’t impact the database.)
As to why more people don’t use it – it’s a visibility thing. If you search for “spam” in the Add Plugins screen, you’ll find lots of choices, with BCSB farther down the list – because it’s not as popular as the ones that (IMHO) don’t work as well.
Chicken/egg thing: more installs, more visibility, but not very many installs, less visibility, so less installs. More installs, more positive reviews would help.
(It’s the same thing with self-published books. Marketing to get buyers/readers is hard. You might have an excellent book, but if it doesn’t show up on the first few pages of a book list, then you don’t get very many sales. Other than the ‘friends and family’ buyers. Reviews are important to help make your book more visible. But less than 10% of readers actually write a review. Probably the same with plugin reviews. )
Glad the update fixed things for you, and it is working well. Thanks for the positive notes and review.
As for suggestions – always open to them. You can make them here, or via the (bot-protected) comment form on my author web site – https://www.RichardHellewell.com .
Popularising something is tricky. I’ll start a new thread to brainstorm some ideas.